Youngest Entrepreneurs in the Nation? Hartford Ranks #5

Youngest Entrepreneurs in the Nation?  Hartford Ranks #5

Hartford’s relentless efforts in recent years to attract and retain a young entrepreneurial workforce appears to be making some headway.  A new analysis indicates that Connecticut’s capital city has among the youngest entrepreneurs in the nation, ranking fifth in the survey of major metropolitan areas

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Student Math Assessment Scores Largely Unchanged

Student Math Assessment Scores Largely Unchanged

In 2019, average mathematics scores for students across the nation were one point higher at grade 4 and 1 point lower at grade 8 than in 2017.  Approximately 296,900 students across the nation participated in the 2019 mathematics assessment administered by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). In the 8th grade assessment, Connecticut’s average student score was tied for 10th highest in the nation.

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Hartford Healthcare to Pilot Global Innovations in Home-care Technology in Partnership with Upward Labs and Connecticut Innovations

Hartford Healthcare to Pilot Global Innovations in Home-care Technology in Partnership with Upward Labs and Connecticut Innovations

The growing aging population in Connecticut and beyond is increasingly becoming the driving force behind innovation and new enterprises in Hartford.  That momentum was given a strong nudge forward with the announcement of new homegrown partnership.

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Depression Among Seniors Increases Nationwide, CT's Rate Among Lowest

Depression Among Seniors Increases Nationwide, CT's Rate Among Lowest

The prevalence of depression among seniors increased 19 percent between 2018 and 2019 nationwide, from 13.4 to 16.0 percent of adults aged 65+, and 23 percent in the past six years from 13.0 percent.  While depression among seniors has been increasing, the levels in Connecticut are among the lowest in the nation.  

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Millennials Under the Microscope As Businesses Look Ahead to Future Workforce, Growth, Leadership

Millennials Under the Microscope As Businesses Look Ahead to Future Workforce, Growth, Leadership

It seems rarely a month goes by that the Connecticut Business & Industry isn’t posting a new article to its website, publishing a story in its print magazine, or devoting a podcast, into one aspect or another about millennials in the workforce. The numbers explain why.

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