Scientific Evidence Points to Later High School Start Times, Legislature Should Respond

Scientific Evidence Points to Later High School Start Times, Legislature Should Respond

Schools that have moved to later start times have documented increases in graduation rates, reductions in tardiness and missed school days; reductions in mental health complaints including depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide; reduction in impulsive behaviors including substance abuse; reduction in car accidents; reduction in sports injuries; and some evidence of improved test scores and academic performance.

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In-State Tuition Draws NY, NJ College Students to Danbury

In-State Tuition Draws NY, NJ College Students to Danbury

You could almost call it Tri-State WestConn. Following eight consecutive years of eroding enrollment, Western Connecticut State University had 919 freshman last fall, a 10.5% increase over  the fall of 2017 and the largest class since 2010.  Three years ago, there were less than 200 students from New York and New Jersey. That number has now tripled, including 344 students from New York.  A pilot program seems to be working.

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Massachusetts Ranked 1st for Millennials; Connecticut is 21st, Analysis Shows

Massachusetts Ranked 1st for Millennials; Connecticut is 21st, Analysis Shows

A new analysis highlights the gap between Connecticut and neighboring Massachusetts for members of the millennial generation – young adults in their early 20’s to early 30’s.  A state-by-state ranking shows Massachusetts is 1st in the nation.  Connecticut ranks 21st, New York was 14th, and Rhode Island was 31st.

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East Haddam Artist Residency Noted Internationally on Earth Day

East Haddam Artist Residency Noted Internationally on Earth Day

The international Earth Day Network, marking the 49th annual Earth Day, is recognizing programs and initiatives around the world that are furthering public awareness of, and participation in, environmental initiatives.   Among the 21 programs world-wide identified as noteworthy Art & Ecology Residencies – programs supporting artists engaged in the environmental cause – is one in East Haddam, CT.

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Will Legislature Act to Re-open Highway Rest Stops? Maybe, Maybe Not

Will Legislature Act to Re-open Highway Rest Stops?  Maybe, Maybe Not

Legislative testimony says highway “rest areas are more than a public convenience” - they also “provide a public safety benefit.” Whether the state’s closed rest facilities will re-open is uncertain, as the fate, timing and impact of legislative proposals suggest change may not be imminent.

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