America’s Best States to Live In: Connecticut Ranks Second

The only state that is a better place to live in than Connecticut is Massachusetts, according to a new survey of key data.  Connecticut was ranked second when the website 24/7 Wall St. reviewed three statewide social and economic measures — poverty rate, educational attainment, and life expectancy at birth — to rank each state’s living conditions.  Based on the data analyzed, the state’s motto could easily be “live long and prosper.” Massachusetts, home to one of the nation’s wealthiest and most highly educated populations, followed by neighboring Connecticut, lead the nation in quality of life. Mississippi, the poorest state in the country, trails the other 49 states.

Among the key stats for Connecticut:

  • 10-year population growth: 5.8% (10th lowest)
  • Unemployment rate: 5.1% (19th highest)
  • Poverty rate: 10.5% (6th lowest)
  • Life expectancy at birth: 80.4 years (2nd highest)

ct-2Quality of life in the United States is heavily dependent on financial status, the survey summary points out. As a consequence, the nation’s best states to live in often report very high incomes. With a median household income of $71,346 a year, fifth highest of all states, Connecticut is the second best state to live in and an especially good example of this pattern, the description of Connecticut’s ranking explains.

The publication notes that “While satisfactory living conditions are possible with low incomes, this is true only to a point. Once incomes fall below the poverty line, for example, financial constraints are far more likely to diminish quality of life.”

Rounding out the top five:  New Hampshire, Minnesota, and New Jersey.  At the bottom of the list: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, West Virginia and Mississippi.

Education levels are another major contributor to a community’s living conditions — not just as a basis of economic prosperity, but also as a component of an individual’s quality of life. Due in part to the greater access to high paying jobs that often require a college degree, incomes also tend to be higher in these states. In all of the 15 best states in which to live, the typical household earns more than the national median household income of $55,775, 24/7 Wall St. pointed out.ct-2nd

Like the vast majority of states on the higher end of the list, Connecticut is described as relatively safe. There were 219 violent crimes reported for every 100,000 state residents in 2015, among the lowest rates of all states, the survey stated.  Housing markets are also indicative of quality of living. A high median home value, for instance, frequently means high demand for housing in the area. Nationwide, the typical home is worth $194,500. In most of the 25 top states, the median home value far exceeds the nationwide median.

The survey did not take into account more subjective conditions such as climate preference, the presence of friends and family, and personal history.

To identify the best and worst states in which to live, 24/7 Wall St. devised an index composed of three socioeconomic measures for each state: poverty rate, the percentage of adults who have at least a bachelor’s degree, and life expectancy at birth. The selection of these three measures was inspired by the United Nations’ Human Development Index. Poverty rates and bachelor attainment rates came from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2015 American Community Survey. Life expectancies at birth are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and are as of 2012, latest year for which data is available. Unemployment rates are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and are for October 2016, the most recent available month of data.

CT Residents See Improving Economy, Even As Jobs Remain in Short Supply; Millennials Most Upbeat About Business Conditions

Seven in 10 Connecticut residents say overall business conditions in the state are either better or the same as six months ago, according to the quarterly Inform CT Consumer Confidence Survey, and 75 percent expect conditions to either remain the same or improve in the next six months. The latest survey, covering the third quarter of 2016, also found residents are more willing to spend on major consumer items – a sign of a strengthening economy – and less concern about immediate job security.  The survey also found that millennials, ages 22-25, are the demographic most upbeat about the state’s economic progress, with 41 percent saying overall business conditions were better than six months ago.  Those ages 18-21 and 26-35 had the next most positive views.

block-logoIn a reversal from the previous quarter, 42 percent of state residents surveyed said they were unlikely to move out of state in the next 5 years, compared with 34 percent who described such a move as likely.  In the previous survey, conducted in the second quarter of this year, the numbers were reversed with 42 percent saying that it was likely they’d be moving out of state within five years, compared with only 32 percent who said such a move was unlikely.

The quarterly survey is released by InformCT, a public-private partnership that provides independent, non-partisan research, analysis, and public outreach to help create fact-based dialogue and action in Connecticut.

Tempering upbeat views is the continuing widely-held opinion that there are “some jobs in Connecticut, but not enough.”  Those expressing that view increased to 63 percent in the third quarter, the highest percentage since the survey began.  An additional 24 percent view jobs as “very hard to get.”  Thus, nearly nine in ten view the number of available jobs as insufficient in the state.  The survey also found:

  • Less concern about job security: Only one-third (35%) expressed concern that their job or the job of their spouse/partner is in jeopardy, down from 39 percent in the previous quarter and 42 percent in the first quarter this year.
  • Continuing strong concern about health insurance costs: Nearly two-thirds of state residents (64%) say they are concerned about being able to afford health insurance.
  • Continuing concern about retirement savings: Overall, 50 percent of those surveyed disagreed with the statement “I will have enough money to retire comfortably,” compared with 23 percent who agreed.  Those currently of working age are most concerned about retirement savings.
  • Connecticut is a good place to raise a family: Overall, fifty percent of those surveyed expressed that view, compared with 28 percent who disagreed, a ratio that has been relatively consistent in the quarterly surveys.  The two age groups that agree most are now, or will likely soon be, starting families – 62 percent of those ages 22-25 and 60 percent of those ages 26-35.
  • Personal financial situation improving: 30 percent of survey respondents said their personal financial situation was better today than six months ago, compared with 28 percent who said they were worse off.

chart-3Residents of Windham and Fairfield counties were more likely to view overall business conditions as being better now than six months ago, the survey found.  Twenty-nine percent of Windham residents held that view as did 28 percent of Fairfield residents.  Residents of the state’s other six counties, Middlesex (23%), New London (20%), New Haven (20%), Litchfield (16%), Tolland (16%) and Hartford (16%) had fewer residents expressing that opinion.

Among other consumer survey findings:

  • Nearly three-quarters of those surveyed (73%) said that in the next 6 months they were likely to take a vacation outside the state, the highest proportion since the survey began nearly two years ago, and the fourth consecutive quarterly increase.
  • The proportion of respondents likely to make a major consumer expenditure for furniture or another product also was the highest in seven quarters, at 43 percent, up from 26 percent a year ago.
  • The percentage of respondents who indicated they were likely to buy or refinance their home (16%) or purchase a new car (26%) were both at levels higher than in the 3rd quarter of 2015.

Administered by researchers from the Connecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc. (CERC) and Smith & Company, the analysis is based on the responses of 510 residents across Connecticut and addresses key economic issues, providing a glimpse of the public’s views.  The survey has a margin of error of 5 percent.

Public Hearings Conclude; State Spending Cap Commission Seeks Definitions to Impact Spending Decisions

“Stop with the financial games and own up to the problem.”  That was the succinct comment provided to the 24-member state Spending Cap Commission by Darien resident Ken Weil at a public hearing this fall.  Small business owner Justin Higgins, of Orange, added that citizens should “always know where we stand financially without loopholes and political gamesmanship.” The Commission has held 18 meetings, beginning in March and most recently on November 14, as well as five public hearings during the past two months, during which nearly two dozen people filed testimony.  With the state anticipating an estimated $3.1 billion deficit for the next two fiscal years, dollars and sense will be front and center when the legislature, with 30 new members and a dead-even split in the State Senate, convenes in January.

The Commission next meets on Nov. 28, according to CT-N.  Public Act 15-1, December Special Session (Section 24) established the Spending Cap Commission, charged with creating, for the purposes of the state's constitutional general budget expenditures requirements, proposed definitions of (1) "increase in personal income", (2) "increase in inflation", and (3) "general budget expenditures".

What the commission has been asked to address is two decades in the making - definitional questions with fiscal implications that have influenced policy and budget balancing since the passage of the state income tax in the early ‘90’s.  The Director of UConn’s Center for Economic Analysis, Fred Carstensen, said in an article published this month that “the spending cap as designed has been an unmitigated disaster, fiscally and economically.” spending-cap

The Commission is chaired by William Cibes, a former state legislator and Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management when the income tax was imposed and state spending cap was approved by voters, and Patricia Widlitz, also a veteran former legislator.  Members include Republicans and Democrats currently serving in the legislature, and others who have extensive experience with state government, in the public or private sector.  It is likely that the incoming state legislature will be looking to the Commission’s findings, as it grapples with the way forward for state finances.

As the public hearings approached in October, the Commission voted to include the following proposed definitions to be addressed:

  • “Increase in personal income” means the compound annual growth rate of personal income in the state over the preceding five calendar years, according to United States Bureau of Economic Analysis data
  • “Increase in inflation” means the increase in the consumer price index for urban consumers, all items less food and energy, during the preceding calendar year, calculated on a December over December basis, according to United States Bureau of Labor
  • The Commission is still considering potential optional language for the third proposed definition – “general budget expenditures” – it is charged with creating. That language may concern, among others, such expenditures as payments for bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness, court orders, federal mandates, grants to distressed municipalities, as well as the use of federal funds and monies contained in the budget reserve fund. Proposed language pertaining to these and other additional topics pertaining to general budget expenditures may also be suggested at the public hearing, and considered by the Commission.

Some of the comments received by the Commission, at hearings in Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, Willimantic and Waterbury, are quite clear on what the result ought to be done, even if precise wording is not offered:

connecticut-state-capitolLouise DiCocco, Assistant Counsel for the Connecticut Business & Industry Association, noted that “24 years ago, more than 80 percent of Connecticut votes overwhelmingly approved a spending cap to keep the cost of state government within the taxpayers’ means to afford it.  Voters demanded the cap as an offset to the persona income tax in Connecticut.  The state must enact a spending cap that is ironclad and works.”

Added the MetroHartford Alliance in testimony by Vice President Patrick McGloin: “Adoption by the legislature of well-crafted spending cap definitions will clearly demonstrate to our fellow residents and private sector employers that we have the political will to be fiscally disciplined.”  DiCocco noted that “the spending cap has always had a safety valve or escape mechanism.  They include bonded debt service, aid to distressed municipalities and first year costs of federal or court ordered mandates.”

The Connecticut affiliate of the National Federation of Independent Businesses pointed out that “reasonably understood, clear definitions of the key terms that will lead to additional budget transparency, predictability and ultimately cap state spending on an annual basis in a way that aptly reflects the will of the voters,” adding that “business owners feel that the legislature absolutely needs to stop allowing excessive spending to be an option and to recognize the ‘new economic reality’, just as small business owners have had to do. Achieving that goal is the most effective economic development policy we could have, and we believe that implementing the constitutional spending cap, and properly defining component terms, would go a long way in this regard.”

Westport resident Tom Lasersohn observed that “In business you learn that for every one customer that complains, there are many you have already lost as customers. For every citizen who gives testimony to this Commission, there are many who are so disgusted with the State’s fiscal mismanagement and chicanery that they will leave at the earliest convenient opportunity. Many outside the State peer in and resolve ‘no, not for me until the State gets its fiscal act together.’ A responsible definition for ‘general fund expenditures’ will communicate to both current and prospective residents and businesses that we are serious about fixing our problems.”

official_logo_mdState Senator Toni Boucher of Danbury told the Commission:  “I hope that the commission to adopt a definition of general budget expenditures that is comprehensive and gives a complete and realistic account of all the money that the state spends… it is equally critical that the legislature not be allowed to move what was once an expenditure included under the cap to bonding or fund it with a revenue intercept for the purpose of undermining the cap’s integrity.”

The final form of Commission recommendations remains unclear.  Minutes of the Commission’s most recent scheduled meetings, on October 31 and November 14, have not yet been posted to the Commission’s website, nor has an agenda for the Nov. 28 meeting (as of Nov. 27).

While Boucher is not a member of the Commission, a number of her legislative colleagues are.  The definitions – and the implications for the state’s budget and taxpayers – may soon be theirs to decide.  A decade ago, a UConn report observed that “the spending cap is only as restrictive as the legislative process decides it should be; its strictures are not written in stone.”


link to Agenda for Commission's Final Meeting on Nov. 28, 2016 and CTNewsJunkie article reporting on meeting.

link to CT-N video of Commission's Meeting on Nov. 28  at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford; Next meeting scheduled for Dec. 5

ConnectiCare, First Health Insurer to Open Retail Store, Adds More

Holiday shoppers may encounter something new amidst the traditional retail stores vying for attention.  Last month, ConnectiCare opened its first storefront location, a 6,000-square-foot standalone building in Manchester. The company plans to open outlets in Bridgeport, Newington and Orange in the coming days, according to David Gordon, ConnectiCare's senior vice president for strategy and product innovation. "The impetus for taking this step came from listening to our customers," Gordon said. "The key thing that we consistently heard was how they want a choice in how they engage with us."  It is a way of “providing face-to-face interactions with our members and our nonmembers, who feel their relationship with us would work better if we were sitting across a table from each other."retail-tn

ConnectiCare is apparently the first health insurance company in the state to offer services from a retail storefront location.  Manchester was chosen after a study of ConnectiCare members, traffic and drive-time patterns and general population figures. The selection of Bridgeport also was based on proximity to significant numbers of ConnectiCare members, and the surrounding population, and are tied to a new partnership with CliniSanitas to offer bilingual facilities for the state's growing Hispanic population.

The flagship Manchester location, near Buckland Hills mall, is staffed by 12 people and includes an area for seminars on various health topics as well as space for yoga and Zumba classes.   ConnectiCare's stores in Bridgeport, Newington and Orange will be smaller than the Manchester flagship, which opened in October.

The ConnecticutCare storefronts will be adjacent to CliniSanitas Medical Center locations.  The centers will offer primary care, specialty care, urgent care, laboratory and diagnostic imaging, as well as health education and wellness services. All three centers – Bridgeport, Newington and Orange - will offer extended evening and weekend hours, with walk-ins welcome. The centers are to be staffed with medical and administrative staff who are bilingual in English and Spanish.

This expansion is the result of a strategic alliance between GuideWell Sanitas and ConnectiCare to serve the health care needs of Connecticut's growing multicultural population, while helping to address the long-standing disparities in the health status of people from culturally diverse backgrounds, officials said. ConnectiCare is the only health insurance plan being accepted by the CliniSanitas Medical Centers, which will also serve those paying directly for health care services and those with traditional Medicare coverage, the companies recently announced.410725logo

CliniSanitas has more than 40 years of health care experience with over 200 facilities in South America. In 2015, the first stateside CliniSanitas centers were opened in Florida. The company explains that their  model is focused on improving access to quality primary care services, and delivering the best health outcomes while preventing unnecessary high medical costs, encouraging longer appointments aimed at strengthening the doctor-patient relationship.

CliniSanitas Medihealth-inscal Centers is a joint venture between two leading health care organizations – GuideWell Mutual Holding Company and Organización Sanitas Internacional. GuideWell is a U.S.-based not-for-profit mutual holding company and the parent to a family of forward-thinking companies focused on transforming healthcare.

"We're excited to start our journey in Connecticut in partnership with ConnectiCare and GuideWell to bring our proven model of patient-centered care to the diverse community of Connecticut. These new medical centers will build on our successful centers in Miami, Florida, and our experience transforming healthcare in South America," said Dr. Fernando Fonseca, Chief Executive Officer of CliniSanitas.

"The CliniSanitas Medical Centers will help us deliver on our brand promise to make it easy for our members to get the care they need. ConnectiCare is pleased to help bring the people of Connecticut access to the high quality and culturally relevant health care provided by the CliniSanitas Medical Centers," said Michael Wise, ConnectiCare's President and Chief Executive Officer.

A local company for 35 years, ConnectiCare, a subsidiary of Emblem Health,  has a full range of products and services for businesses, municipalities, individuals and those who are Medicare-eligible.  In September, ConnectiCare, the single-largest insurer on the state’s health exchange, announced it would participate in the exchange in 2017.

PERSPECTIVE: A New Direction for Shopping Malls

by Valerie Dugan It used to be, when I was young, that a trip to the local mall was a real treat, with lunch at the food court and perhaps a Disney movie in the plush new cinemas. In summer we could cool off with ice cream, and before Christmas, we’d enjoy the trees and wreaths with their giant ornaments, battle the crowds, and sit on Santa’s lap for a picture in front of his castle.

These days, with the phenomena of e-commerce, giant box stores, and shopping clubs, the mall as we knew it seems to be changing. While many landmark malls around the nation are plagued by empty retail space and a significant drop in visitors and revenues, others have added attractions that continue to bring retail traffic.CT perspective

E-commerce sales in the U.S. last year totaled over $341 billion, a more than 14 percent increase over the year before, and spiked in November and December for pre-holiday sales.[1] Some experts project the e-commerce space will grow to $548 billion by 2019.[2]

What will that trend mean for traditional retail? According to some analysts, over the next decade, about fifteen percent of the nation’s malls will either go bankrupt or will be converted into non-retail space, and the numbers are rising.[3] One retail consultant even predicts that in the next fifteen to twenty years, up to half of America’s shopping malls will close, especially those that house lower end to midlevel stores.[4] The ones that survive will be those that successfully adapt to changing consumer demands.

q1Mini-golf courses, skating rinks, gym facilities, laser tag, mazes, and even go-kart raceways are all within the spectrum of entertaining additions to malls these days.

In Connecticut, one furniture retailer has incorporated a giant, indoor rope-climbing attraction coupled with entertainment[5]. While not in a mall, this retailer is a perfect example of the kinds of things that malls may need to do to maintain their foot traffic.

Another successful approach to damming the tide of dying malls has been the addition of grocery stores: developers bank on the philosophy that “everyone needs to buy food, so why not entice them to look at other items, too?”[6]

Some malls replace slumping anchor stores with restaurants, movie theatres and discount shops. This may be a short term fix, but if two or more anchors fail at the same time, chances are the entire mall will go out of business, researchers found.[7]

The research results further predict that the space would likely be replaced with business offices, health care facilities and community colleges.[8]

What are other nations doing? In China, futuristic new high-end malls target “smart” shoppers with technology, such as touch-screens and interactive mirrors in fitting rooms that can change lighting, reach a sales associate, or display a selection of other items of interest.[9]

At the same time, these malls-of-the-future provide consumers with “experiential” reasons to visit, reasons that cannot be found online. For instance, one mall offers a Christmas headquarters which sends out texts to guests advising them when Santa is available for a visit.[10]  Once there, guests also can superimpose themselves into a selection of “selfie” videos with unique backgrounds and themes.[11]

As American malls look for anchor stores, and innovations, to attract shoppers, investors simultaneously look for interesting opportunities for their portfolios.

Open-air retail space, such as strip malls, seem to fare well because their tenants often include discount stores, grocers and drug stores – staples of every economy.[12] In fact, open-air shopping centers make up a larger proportion of the country’s total square footage for retail than do enclosed malls.[13]q2

And, tenant occupancy for existing properties is reportedly high as new construction decreases in a slow growth economy.[14] The dearth of supply means that landlords can push rents up.

Investors should discuss the sector with their financial advisors and consider it as part of a well-balanced portfolio. As with any other investment, of course, there may be risks involved, and each individual should evaluate based on their long term financial plan.

While visits to the malls as we remember them from childhood may be a thing of the past, the malls of the future certainly hold promise.


Valerie B. Dugan, CFP, is a Senior Vice President and Financial Advisor with the Global Wealth Management Division of Morgan Stanley in Hartford. For more information, please contact Valerie at 860-275-0779.



The information contained in this article is not a solicitation to purchase or sell investments. Any information presented is general in nature and not intended to provide individually tailored investment advice. The strategies and/or investments referenced may not be suitable for all investors as the appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor's individual circumstances and objectives.  Investing involves risks and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest. The views expressed herein are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, or its affiliates. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC, member SIPC.





[4] ibid




[8] ibid






[14] ibid

Commitment to Children Honored in CT

Connecticut Voices for Children has honored community leaders, policymakers and advocates for children at its 14th annual “First for Kids” awards ceremony. The awards recognize individuals and organizations that have worked to make a difference in the lives of children in the state of Connecticut. This year’s honorees are:

  • Priscilla Canny Research Award - Judith Meyers, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Children’s Fund of Connecticut and its subsidiary, the Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut., for her leadership to ensure that all children have the opportunity to thrive. The Children’s Fund of Connecticut, a public charitable foundation and supporting organization of Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, is dedicated to ensuring that children in Connecticut have a strong start in life with ongoing supports to promote their optimal health and well-being. For over 17 years she has led the organizations' efforts to improve the health, mental health and early care systems for children in Connecticut.
  • Public Service Award - Myra Jones-Taylor, former Commissioner of the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, for her efforts to coordinate and improve the state’s early childhood system. Jones-Taylor, a California native who was the first in her family to graduate from college, came to Hartford in 2012 to lead the planning effort for the newly forming state office. She left the agency in September 2016 and is currently Entrepreneur in Residence at Dalio Foundation.
  • Statewide Child Advocacy Award - Sarah Eagan, Connecticut’s Child Advocate, for her work advancing honoreesthe right of abused and neglected children and children with disabilities. She was appointed by Governor Dannel Malloy to serve as Connecticut's Child Advocate on August 1, 2013. As Child Advocate, she sets priority reviews for the OCA, manages office operations, and publishes vital information regarding the well-being of children and recommendations for system reform. Prior to this appointment, she served for several years as the Director of the Child Abuse Project at the Center for Children's Advocacy in Hartford.
  • Youth Voice Award - Kate Matos and her Fourth-Grade Students at Avon’s Pine Grove Elementary, 2015-2016, for their efforts to raise funds for advocacy through kindness and team work.

“Each of us wants our children to have an opportunity to achieve their full potential. Today, at our annual First for Kids celebration, Connecticut Voices for Children is proud to honor four champions who have worked tirelessly to ensure that opportunity is available to all children in our state, regardless of race, ethnicity or family income,” says Ellen Shemitz, Connecticut Voices for Children’s Executive Director. “Children need champions willing to raise their voices to make universal opportunity a public priority. Today’s honorees have led the way.”voices

“Many children in Connecticut still face considerable challenges to succeed,” says Sharon Langer, Advocacy Director at Connecticut Voices for Children. “Nearly 1 in 3 of our children of color live in poverty, compared to 1 in 20 white children. Our state has one of the largest achievement gaps in the nation based on family income and race. There is a lot of work to be done to close these gaps. We are optimistic that together we can improve the lives of children.”

Connecticut Voices for Children is a research-based policy think tank based in New Haven. The organization “produces research and analysis, promotes citizen education, advocates for policy change at the state and local level and works to develop the next generation of leaders.”

PHOTO:  Judith Meyers, Sarah Eagan, Myra Jones-Taylor

CT 5th Graders Elect State's New Kid Governor

Jessica Brocksom of John F. Kennedy School in Milford has been elected by 5th graders across the state as Connecticut's next Kid Governor.   Connecticut’s Kid Governor is a national award-winning statewide civics program for 5th graders created by the Connecticut Public Affairs Network at Connecticut’s Old State House. Jessica ran on a platform focused on stopping animal cruelty. She plans to lobby state leaders for tougher animal cruelty laws, educate her peers on tkid-governorhis important issue and help animals by organizing fundraisers in Connecticut communities.  The announcement of her election, after more than 4,000 ballots were cast earlier this month by 5th graders, was made at her school in Milford.  She was one of seven candidates on the ballot; only 5th graders were eligible to vote.

In November 2015, hundreds of 5th graders across the state participated in the election of the first ever Connecticut’s Kid Governor. After an exciting race, students elected Elena Tipton of East Hartford who ran on a Campaign for Kindness platform. During her term as Connecticut’s Kid Governor, Elena’s has shared her 3-point plan of action through video messages to constituents, a Kindness is Kool blog, public appearances, and additional activities.  She had an "office" at the Old State House, and met with elected officials including Gov. Dannel Malloy and Congressman John Larson.

The Kid Governor program was designed to teach fifth-graders about government, elections and the importance of civic involvement, and complements the state's social studies curriculum.  It was created by the Connecticut Public Affairs Network and is sponsored by the Connecticut Council for the Social Studies and the State Department of Education. Connecticut’s Kid Governor serves his or her constituents for one year in an active leadership role.

Her teacher, Donna Stuart, told her, “I’m so so unbelievably happy for you. I know you are going to do an amazing job serving all fifth graders in the great state of Connecticut," the Milford Mirror reported.  “You are such a perfect candidate and you inspire me every day, and I am so thrilled that you are now going to be inspiring sokid many others,” Stuart added.

Leaders of the initiative said "We would also like to congratulate the other final candidates for their incredibly inspiring campaigns, which shined a light on many issues important to the children of Connecticut. The 5th grade teachers and students of our state deserve a big thank you for taking part in the 2016 CKG Election - where student participation more than quadrupled from the previous year."

National Cyclocross Championships Arrive in Hartford in January

Hartford’s Riverside Park will play host to the 2017 Cyclocross National Championships January 3-8, 2017, as another popular sport brings a national caliber event to Connecticut’s Capital City.  logo-2017 “The cyclocross national championships are the pinnacle of cyclocross racing in the United States each year,” said Micah Rice, Vice-President of National Events, USA Cycling. Cyclocross is a very specific type of bike racing, as described by Cyclocross Magazine. For the most part, the course is off-road but there are sometimes portions of pavement included in the course. Riders can expect to encounter grass, dirt, mud, gravel, sand, and a whole slew of other assortments and combinations. The races are based on a set time (measured by numbers of laps), not distance. Depending on your category, a race can be as quick as 30 minutes (for beginners), or as long as 60 minutes (for pros).

‘Cross is wildly popular in countries like Belgium and Holland and is currently the fastest growing cycling discipline in the U.S., according to USA Cycling.  Cyclo-cross specific bikes look very similar to a road bike but have more clearance around the tires for mud, have a different type of braking system — either a cantilever or disc brakes — and have wider tires with knobs on them similar to mountain bike tires.

The event schedule for Hartford details a range of competition for various age categories, men and women, 9-10 year olds to seniors, throughout the week, capped by awards ceremonies at the end of each day.  The 2017 USAC National Cyclocross Championships is organized via a three-way partnership between the CT Cycling Advancement Program, Riverfront Recapture, and USA Cycling. As the local organizing committee (LOC), the CCAP and Riverfront are committed to hosting a high-quality event that supports and highlights both organization’s non-profit missions, the regional cycling community, and the city of Hartford, the organization's website explains. "Our responsibilities and activities include the management of the event venue, the management of emergency city services, the recruitment and management of volunteers, and fundraising for the event." Local volunteers are being sought, with a number of opportunities prior to and during the week-long Championships.  caroline-bend-1024x790

“The USA Cycling cyclocross national championships is an exciting first for Connecticut, and Hartford’s selection is the result of a great partnership between the Connecticut Cycling Advancement Program, Riverfront Recapture, the city of Hartford, and the Connecticut Convention & Sports Bureau,” said Bob Murdock, the Connecticut Convention & Sports Bureau’s director of sports marketing.

“Our state capital’s Riverside Park is a prime venue for this dynamic winter sports event and offers many design options for a challenging course that will satisfy thrill-seeking competitors and spectators alike. We look forward to welcoming cycling enthusiasts from all over the nation,” Murdock added.

According to the USA Cycling website, there are two cycling clubs in Connecticut, based in Middletown and Storrs.   The UConn Cycling Team, based at the main campus in Storrs Connecticut, is a recognized club sports team and a member of both the ECCC (Eastern Collegiate Cycling Conference) and USA Cycling.rider

The vision of USA Cycling is to make the United States of America the most successful country in the world of competitive cycling, and the championships planned for 2017 and 2018 underscore that effort.  Reno, Nevada, will host the 2018 USA Cycling cyclocross national championships.

“Going from the East in 2017 to the West in 2018 with Hartford and Reno is indicative of how quickly the sport is spreading from coast to coast, and these two cities will do an excellent job of helping us crown the best in the sport in the coming years,” Rice said.

Connecticut has a long and storied heritage within cyclocross and the annual Connecticut Series of Cross series “seeks to continue that,” according to the 8-race series website.  2016 marks the 5th annual Connecticut Series of Cross, described as designed to encourage true "grassroots CX racing".  All the events are unique and reflect the style and passion that each promoting club/team has for the sport of cyclocross.

​The final event in the series will be December 18 in New Haven, just weeks ahead of the National Championship in Hartford.


CT Ranked 9th Among Small States in "Main Street Entrepreneurship," Showing Improvement

Improvements in Connecticut’s “Main Street Entrepreneurship” has pushed the state’s ranking to 9th among the nation’s 25 smaller states, up from 12th a year ago, in the latest analysis from the Kauffman Foundation. The nation as a whole and most states and metro areas are experiencing higher rates of small business activity, according to the 2016 Kauffman Index of Main Street Entrepreneurship.  Nationally, there was a sharp uptick in the survival rate of businesses in the last year. At the same time, Main Street entrepreneurship activity gained ground in 47 states and 38 of the 40 largest metropolitan regions.kauffman

Among the nation’s smaller states, the top ranked entrepreneurial states were South Dakota, Vermont, Montana, North Dakota, Maine, Iowa, Nebraska, New Hampshire.  After Connecticut, Oregon rounded out the top ten.  Connecticut was one of only two states to move up three positions in the ranking.

The state’s rate of business owners was 6.55 percent; the percentage of the adult population that owns a business as their main job, according to the survey data.

The number of established (older than four years) small (less than fifty employees) businesses per 1,000 firms was 649.9 in Connecticut.  In Massachusetts, which ranked third among the nation’s 25 larger states, it is 684.7.  The top ranked larger states were Minnesota, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Louisiana, California and Illinois. state

"The Main Street Entrepreneurship Index provides additional evidence that U.S. small business activity has rebounded from the downturn and continues to gather strength," said Arnobio Morelix, senior research analyst at the Kauffman Foundation. "More new businesses are making it through their first five years of operation. While this could indicate that a lack of dynamism is allowing less-productive firms to hang on longer, overall the entrepreneurial increases bode well for the established, small businesses that underpin much of our economy."

Among the larger states, the rate of businesses surviving through their first five years ranges from 44 percent in Arizona to 53.3 percent in Pennsylvania. Among the smaller states, the business survival rate ranges from 43.4 percent in Nevada to 58.1 percent in North Dakota.  In Connecticut, the rate is 51.35 percent, the 8th highest among the 25 smaller states.

In start-up activity, Connecticut ranked 22nd out of 25 smaller states, a drop of two positions since last year.  The Survival Rate of American businesses is the main driver of the recent improvements in Main Street Entrepreneurship in the United States, and has reached a three-decade high of 48.7 percent—meaning that almost half of new businesses make it to their fifth year of operation.chart

U.S. Census Bureau business statistics show that established small businesses represent almost 68 percent of all employer firms in the country.   The five metros with the highest Main Street entrepreneurship activity are Pittsburgh, Boston, Portland, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

The Kauffman Index of Main Street Entrepreneurship captures business activity in all industries and is based on both a nationally representative sample size of roughly 900,000 responses each year and the universe of all employer businesses in the United States, in a dataset that covers approximately five million businesses.

PERSPECTIVE: Paving a Path to Postsecondary Attainment in Connecticut and Beyond

by Jamie Merisotis I was raised in Manchester. My father arrived in Connecticut almost 70 years ago after serving his country in World War II. Although he and my mother never made it to college, they instilled a strong belief in the value of education. Two generations of us – most still living here – have benefited from the state’s public schools, and colleges and universities.

So, as leader of a national foundation focused on increasing Americans’ success in higher education, Connecticut’s success is always on my mind. Last month, Lumina Foundation released its 2017-20 Strategic Plan. The plan describes what must happen for to achieve Goal 2025. Within the next eight years we must reach our goal for 60 percent of working-age Americans to earn college degrees or credentials, effectively creating a universal learning system beyond high school. We need a system that improves people’s lives and enables the nation to meet the rising demand for talent.CT perspective

Since 2011, the U.S. economy has grown by 11.5 million jobs for workers with more than a high school education. In contrast, only 80,000 jobs have been added for those with a high school diploma or less. This disparity is projected to grow. By 2020, nearly two-thirds of jobs will require more than a high school diploma. Yet almost every state has an average level of education among working-age residents that is too low.

When the Foundation began reporting on the share of people with college degrees eight years ago, Connecticut stood at 46.6 percent. In 2014, the most recent year for which data is available, the rate reached 48.2 percent.q1

This year, Lumina added data about people with certificates and industry certifications. We believe an expanded focus on these credentials is vital for creating a better-educated country. Quality credentials have clearly stated, easy-to-grasp learning outcomes that create paths to good jobs and further education. In Connecticut, one of every 20 working-age residents has these types of certificates, bringing the share of people with meaningful credentials to 53.2 percent.

To reach the national goal of 60 percent by 2025, all of us have to do more to ensure fairer results for students who fare poorly today. The Foundation has been focused over the last several years on both traditional-age students and those who previously have gone to college but never finished.  Yet increasingly, we’ve come to recognize that we must do more and better for the nearly 64 million adults with no education beyond high school. This population is mostly made up of people from poorly represented racial and ethnic groups, immigrants with limited English-speaking skills, people who have lost middle-income jobs, and prisoners.

Others are faring better. In Connecticut, whites and Asian/Pacific Islanders with education beyond high school represent 53.6 percent and 71.9 percent of those populations, respectively. Yet for people who are African-American, Hispanic and American Indian, the percentages range from 22.5 percent to 32.8 percent. These numbers mean the system is not serving these learners who desperately need quality credentials to have better lives and jobs.

q2Eliminating disparities in outcomes across racial and ethnic groups and by socioeconomic status will require civic leaders, education leaders, policymakers, and employers to participate in a large-scale effort to redesign the system. To build tomorrow’s workforce, we must build a system that works for today’s diverse students. In the same way communities banded together to make universal high school a reality, it will take broad, coordinated action to ensure education beyond high school becomes a reality for all Americans.

This movement is underway, led by states setting goals to dramatically increase the number of people with education beyond high school. Connecticut is one of 26 states that set challenging, sustainable, and measurable goals in support of fair outcomes for students of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. My hope is that other states will follow Connecticut’s lead to ensure the country has the talented people it needs to address future civic, economic, and social challenges.


Jamie Merisotis is President and CEO of the Lumina Foundation,  an independent, private foundation committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with degrees, certificates and other high-quality credentials to 60 percent by 2025. Lumina’s outcomes-based approach focuses on helping to design and build an equitable, accessible, responsive and accountable higher education system while fostering a national sense of urgency for action to achieve Goal 2025.  Lumina operates from Indianapolis. 


  1. America’s Divided Recovery, Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce,
  2. Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020, State Report, Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce,
  3. A Stronger Nation: Postsecondary Learning Builds the Talent that Helps Us Rise, Lumina Foundation,