With 141,000 Laptops Distributed, CT First in Nation to Close the Digital Divide Among Students

Within in next two weeks, Connecticut expects to have delivered a laptop or internet connection to every Connecticut student who didn’t have one when the pandemic – and distance learning – began across the state’s school districts. Every Connecticut student.

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COVID in Academia: Trinity College Adds COVID Classes to Curriculum

COVID in Academia:  Trinity College Adds COVID Classes to Curriculum

COVID-19 is moving from the hospitals to the college classroom - or the remote classroom to be more accurate - as academia integrates the experiences of 2020 directly into their curricula. Trinity College in Hartford already has an array of courses being offered this semester that tackle topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Connecticut Receives $3.5 Million To Enhance Suicide Prevention Activities; Statewide Plan Released

Connecticut Receives $3.5 Million To Enhance Suicide Prevention Activities; Statewide Plan Released

Connecticut has been awarded a five-year grant from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to enhance a range of suicide prevention activities coordinated among several state agencies. The grant, awarded to the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH), will run through August 31, 2025. The state has also released its Suicide Prevention Plan.

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Students Call the Shots on Election Night at WCSU

Students Call the Shots on Election Night at WCSU

College students – always comfortable with late nights and all-nighters – may be the perfect choice to be running election night coverage on November 3. That’s exactly the plan at Western Connecticut State University, where members of a spirited 40-strong student crew will be utilizing their technological tools and social media expertise to provide WCSU’s 10th annual “Election Connection” production. The live telecast will bring comprehensive election coverage and exploration of important issues.

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"We Are in a Precarious Position," Fauci Tells Connecticut Interviewers at Community Health Center

"We Are in a Precarious Position," Fauci Tells Connecticut Interviewers at Community Health Center

“We are in a precarious position,” explained Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, who is leading the COVID-19 response at the NIH. Fauci returned as a guest this month on Conversations On Health Care, a radio program/podcast on healthcare issues produced by Community Health Center, Inc., based in Middletown and distributed nationally.

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