Connecticut Has Been Encouraging Saving for College for 25 Years

Connecticut Has Been Encouraging Saving for College for 25 Years

Twenty-five years ago, the Connecticut state legislature established the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET) direct-sold college savings plan as a means of helping Connecticut families save funds for future college education costs. Through the years, more than $2.1 billion has been withdrawn from individual CHET accounts to help more than 57,000 students pay for college expenses.

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Interim President Named President at UConn; Accaimed Science Leader is First to be Fluent in Four Languages

Interim President Named President at UConn; Accaimed Science Leader is First to be Fluent in Four Languages

Radenka Maric, an acclaimed innovator in clean energy technology whose leadership as a vice president helped propel UConn to new heights in research funding, has been selected as the University’s 17th president after having served as Interim President since February.

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Celebrating Title IX with Those Who've Lived the Impact

Celebrating Title IX with Those Who've Lived the Impact

The University of Saint Joseph’s Womens Leadership Center WLC feature four women leaders in sport, media, and law reflecting on the ESPN acclaimed docuseries, 37 Words, which outlines the history of Title IX, the 1972 amendment passed by Congress to forbid discrimination based on gender.

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Connecticut’s Kid Governor Program Aims at Continued National Expansion; Rocky Hill Educator to Add Expertise to Leadership Team

Connecticut’s Kid Governor Program Aims at Continued National Expansion; Rocky Hill Educator to Add Expertise to Leadership Team

Rocky Hill educator Nichole Pitruzzello has been named Connecticut’s Kid Governor® State Coordinator, and program originator Brian Cofrancesco has become Director of Kid Governor®, the national award-winning civics program created by The Connecticut Democracy Center at Connecticut’s Old State House.

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