Centennial Year Begins for Growing University of New Haven

Centennial Year Begins for Growing University of New Haven

he University of New Haven has more alumni from the nation of India (749) than the state of Texas (709).  That’s just one of many facts and figures featured on a new website launched at the start of the new year to coincide with the year-long celebration of the University’s Centennial Year.

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Short Term Rentals on the Increase; State, Local Regulatory Oversight Less Certain

Short Term Rentals on the Increase; State, Local Regulatory Oversight Less Certain

Are short term rentals (STRs), better known by their popular brand names such as Airbnb, good news for municipalities or asking for trouble?  A new report by the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments seeks to air some of the pros and cons, as the number of stays (and income to hosts) continue to grow rapidly.

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