New Transportation Laws Range from Vision Tests to Cannabis, Seat Belts to Crosswalks

New Transportation Laws Range from Vision Tests to Cannabis, Seat Belts to Crosswalks

The Connecticut legislature passed a bushel full of laws related in some way to transportation during the 2021 legislative session, including numerous new laws with far-reaching impact. The Office of Legislative Research has highlighted the new laws.

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Flooding in Connecticut: More to Come, Experts Say

Flooding in Connecticut:  More to Come, Experts Say

There was substantial flooding in Connecticut this week, from a relatively mild brush with a hurricane-turned-tropical storm. It could have been considerably worse. It was, however, a reminder of the damage that flooding can do along the state’s coastline, and inland. And in the years ahead, a new report predicts it will get worse, and we ought to start preparing now.

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Stricter Seat Belt Laws Seek to Reverse Increase in Traffic Deaths

Stricter Seat Belt Laws Seek to Reverse Increase in Traffic Deaths

Connecticut is the 32nd state to require all back-seat occupants to buckle up. Connecticut's new mandatory back-seat seat belt law is effective on October 1. The new law comes as traffic fatalities have climbed since COVID, and seat belts are seen as a way to help reduce those increasing numbers.

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Elder Justice Hotline Launched in Connecticut

Elder Justice Hotline Launched in Connecticut

Attorney General William Tong, Aging and Disabilities Commissioner Amy Porter, Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull and the Coalition for Elder Justice in Connecticut have launched the Elder Justice Hotline-- a “one stop shop” for older in adults in Connecticut in need of information, aid, and justice.

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U.S. Safesport Centralized Disciplinary Database Includes 17 From Connecticut

U.S. Safesport Centralized Disciplinary Database Includes 17 From Connecticut

The U.S. Center for SafeSport maintains a Centralized Disciplinary Database to keep the public informed when individuals connected with the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movements, are either subject to temporary restrictions or are subject to sanctions. That database includes the names of 17 individuals who are, or were, Connecticut residents when incidents occurred or disciplinary action was taken.

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State Receives Grant to Support Planning for Transition to 9-8-8 Mental Health Crisis Call Line

State Receives Grant to Support Planning for Transition to 9-8-8 Mental Health Crisis Call Line

The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) has received the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s (Lifeline) 9-8-8 State Planning Grant to develop a strategic plan for Connecticut in preparation for the nationwide rollout of the new 9-8-8 mental health emergency number next summer.

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Racism is a Public Health Crises, CT Senate Declares

Racism is a Public Health Crises, CT Senate Declares

The Connecticut State Senate – with bipartisan support - has passed Senate Bill 1, which takes several key steps to address systemic racism in Connecticut. This bill declares racism a public health crisis; creates a cross-sector commission to set goals and create a strategic plan for dismantling systemic racism as it impacts public health; defines the doula profession; standardizes how race, ethnicity, and language data are collected; and takes other steps to address the impacts of racism on health in our state.

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