Four CT Cities Gain National Recognition for Main Street Programs

Connecticut Main Street Center has announced that four Connecticut Main Street organizations have been accredited as 2012 National Main Street Programs for meeting organizational performance standards set by the National Trust Main Street Center.  New London Main Street, Simsbury Main Street Partnership, Upper Albany Main Street (Hartford) and Main Street Waterbury have been recognized for outstanding accomplishments.  The announcement was made at the 2012 National Main Streets Conference in Baltimore, where Waterbury Main Street CEO Carl Rosa was among those selected to make a formal presentation.

The Main Street approach to downtown revitalization is among the most powerful economic development tools.  Since the program's inception in Connecticut in 1996, the number of net new businesses exceeds 400 and net new jobs is nearly 2,500.  For every $1 spent on a local Main Street Program’s operating budget, $73.13 has been reinvested into Designated Connecticut Main Street Downtowns.  The organization's next Downtown Revitalization Institute day-long program is June 21.