Mapping of Introduced Legislation Shows Subjects of Most Interest

Wondering in which subject areas the greatest volume of proposed legislation was centered during the 2013 Connecticut General Assembly session?  There’s a map for that.

Data compiled and presented in a brightly colored, multi-layered, interactive display by the website Readily Apparent illustrates the leading legislative areas of focus, based on the number of bills introduced by lawmakers during the five-month session that concluded in June.

Leading the way in 2013 was Government Administration and Elections with 458 proposed bills, followed by Criminal Justice and the Courts with 320, Education with 248, Public Safety & Security with 194 and Public Health with 181.

In each of 23 subject areas, Readily Apparent “drills down” to break each subject into subcategories – visible with the click of a mouse.square map

In Government Administration & Elections, for example, the breakdown, also visually displayed, is 246 bills related to state government operations, 93 dealing with elections, 62 focused on the legislature, 29 on government contracts, 24 on municipalities, and 4 on regulated activities.  Each of those categories is subdivided further.  The “state government operations” category, for example, includes six distinct sub-categories.

In addition to the three levels of breakdowns, the website also provides a listing of all the bills introduced in each category, forming a comprehensive list of bills introduced to be considered by lawmakers during the legislative session.

The site describes the “What’s Getting Lawmakers Attention” tree-map interactive data display as providing a “30,000-foot view” of activity by policy area in the 2013 CGA session.

Readily Apparent co-founder Brendan Hanrahan’s primary interest, according to the website, “is in conveying new insights that can be gained with the use of relational data designs and dynamic graphics.  He has been exploring, designing and developing web-based applications for data management, analysis and visualization since 2004.