Safest States for Driving? CT Ranks #8 in USA
/Connecticut is the eighth safest state in the nation for drivers, according to a new analysis of driving safety across the country. The report was derived from analyzing fatality data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and correlating the data with speeding, distracted driving and drunk driving statistics. Analysts for Safewise, a home security company that studies a variety of public safety issues, compiled the report, which found:
- The majority of Connecticut's road fatalities come from drunk driving, however, Connecticut is among the top 10 states for fewest speeding fatalities.
- Connecticut is among the nation's slowest average speed limits. SafeWise analysts found that slower speed limits lead to fewer fatalities, which explains why Connecticut is among the safest states.
- Connecticut bans all forms of cell phone use, ho
wever, the state is among the worst for distracted drivers.
The safest states, according to the survey, are Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Utah and West Virginia.
The report revealed that the safest states for driving typically have lower speed limits and less restrictions on phone use. The states that have longer commute times and slower speed limits have less fatalities. More dangerous roadways tend to be long interstates with speed limits in the 70’s and 80’s. States with younger median ages and higher birth rates correlated with higher fatality rates. Inexperienced drivers and large families alike seem to be more distracted when on the road.
“Over the past few years, fatal crash statistics have increased substantially,” said Robert Dillman, owner and lead instructor of the Georgia-based NEVO Driving Academy. “According to data released by the National Safety Council, in 2016, the United States reached a 10 year peak in crash related fatalities. With regards to traffic and driver safety, from 2013 to present, we are trending in the wrong direction.”