CTData Urges Congressional Action to Preserve Federal Data

CTData Urges Congressional Action to Preserve Federal Data

The statewide nonprofit organization CTData is calling for the restoration of publicly accessible data at the federal level, following actions taken and proposed by the new administration in Washington that is eliminating data or public access to data that had long been publicly accessible.

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FIduciary Responsibility of Fiscal Officials Defended by CT Treasurer and Colleagues

FIduciary Responsibility of Fiscal Officials Defended by CT Treasurer and Colleagues

Connecticut State Treasurer Erick Russell has joined a coalition of 17 financial officers—including state and big city treasurers, comptrollers, controllers, and auditors—in signing a letter urging the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Acting Chairman and the Department of Labor (DOL) Acting Secretary to oppose a recent request by Republican state finance officials.

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Impact of Announced Pause in Federal Funding Draws Immediate Concern, Criticism

Impact of Announced Pause in Federal Funding Draws Immediate Concern, Criticism

In Washington and in Connecticut, voices have been raised in reaction to actions announced by the new federal administration that appear to have required a pause in a vast array of federal funding provided to programs delivered by states and nonprofit organizations. 

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Volleyball Reigns as Hartford Hosts Largest Regional Tournament Throughout January

Volleyball Reigns as Hartford Hosts Largest Regional Tournament Throughout January

Eight thousand five hundred (8,500) youth volleyball players on 730 teams from across the Northeast and Canada are coming to the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford this month to compete in the “2025 NIKE New England Winterfest Volleyball Tournament”.

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Local New Haven Orgs Collaborate to Help Youth Kick-Start Careers in Technology

Local New Haven Orgs Collaborate to Help Youth Kick-Start Careers in Technology

A new program in New Haven, designed in a collaboration of two local organizations, teaches young adults the skills they need to kick start their career working with technology. It covers hardware topics, such as how to build, repair, and troubleshoot computers and peripheral equipment, as well as software topics, such as introductory coding and networking.

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Hartford Foundation Announces $600,000 Grant, Largest Ever Received by Urban League of Greater Hartford

Hartford Foundation Announces $600,000 Grant, Largest Ever Received by Urban League of Greater Hartford

The Urban League of Greater Hartford has addressed economic disparities experienced by Black residents and other marginalized communities in the region since 1964. To help support the organization’s growth and impact, the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has awarded the nonprofit a two-year, $600,000 flexible funding grant, the largest ever received by the organization. 

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CT Paid Leave Program Provides Safety Net for Residents Living with Food Insecurity

CT Paid Leave Program Provides Safety Net for Residents Living with Food Insecurity

Connecticut’s Paid Leave program is reminding Connecticut residents that income replacement is available for workers with a serious health condition, and their caregivers, to help offset the cost of living when they need to take time away from work to recover or provide care, as we head into the holiday season.

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Among Most Charitable States in US, Connecticut Ranks 31st

Among Most Charitable States in US, Connecticut Ranks 31st

With Americans donating hundreds of billions of dollars to charity per year, the personal-finance website WalletHub has released its report on the Most Charitable States, to highlight where people spend the most time and money helping others. Connecticut, to the surprise of many, ranked relatively low in the ranking, at number 31 in 2023, falling from number 17 in 2022.

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