Entrepreneurial Support Initiative Plans Programs for Retail, Digital Marketing

reSET, the Hartford-based entrepreneur support organization committed to nurturing businesses with a social mission, has announced that applications are now open for two separate programs designed to help entrepreneurs “grow with impact.” The programs are reSET’s Retail Incubator and Digital Marketing Mastermind.

Both programs are set to run this fall, providing resources and mentorship to early-stage and established entrepreneurs. Applications close at midnight on July 21, with classes set to start mid-August and run through October.

“Both of these programs were developed because of demand from our alumni and local entrepreneurs,” said Sarah Bodley, Executive Director of reSET. “The Retail Incubator has been popular with Hartford-area founders preparing for fall and holiday markets, or opening their own storefronts. We developed the Digital Marketing Mastermind to help local entrepreneurs build an online business presence and stand out in the online world.”

Retail Incubator
The Floor-Plan Retail Business Incubator is a partnership between reSET and Hartford-based Breakfast Lunch & Dinner, a community venture-building studio. Now in its fourth year, the program is designed to support product-based businesses in their stages of entrepreneurship.

Participants will learn to understand customer needs, define pricing strategies, address key legal and financial topics, all to prepare their businesses for fall and winter markets, according to reSET. Entrepreneurs will gain insights from industry experts, access a supportive community, and receive practical tools to enhance their business acumen. More information, and an application, is available at https://www.resetco.org/retail-incubator.

Digital Marketing Mastermind
The Digital Marketing Mastermind is tailored for entrepreneurs who already have a business and are looking to elevate their digital marketing efforts. This program will provide advanced strategies to boost online presence, engage with target audiences, and convert engagement into sales.

Participants will learn from seasoned marketing professionals and peers, gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the digital marketplace. Entrepreneurs interested in more information on the program and application should visit https://www.resetco.org/digital-marketing-mastermind.

reSET is a nonprofit organization in Hartford, whose mission is advancing the social enterprise sector. reSET specializes in social enterprise ― impact-driven business with a double or triple bottom line. The organizations mission states that “new business creation provides thriving wage jobs in our state, creates revenue, and empowers the people we serve to design the lives they want to live and impact their communities accordingly.”

In addition to providing coworking space, accelerator, and mentoring programs, reSET aims to inspire innovation and community collaboration and to support entrepreneurs in creating market-based solutions to community challenges. reSET’s goal is to meet entrepreneurs wherever they are in their trajectory and to help them take their businesses to the next level.