New Haven, Hartford Turn to Art to Enliven Downtowns

At CT State Community College Gateway in New Haven, college leaders point out, art has always been a bridge to the community.  The latest initiative continues that legacy, as Gateway students have embarked on a project to bring their creativity out of the studio and onto the street.

Led by Instructors Peter Bonadies and Vladimir Shptalnik, CT State Gateway students are creating two massive murals—measuring 4×32 ft and 9×20 ft—that will soon adorn the facade of 101 College Street in New Haven.

Participating students are enrolled in a special projects class made possible by 101 College Street LLC, which held space available for the murals, underwrote the tuition for every student, and covered the cost of materials. The designs depict the connection between science and art. 

In third floor studios overlooking the site, Gateway students transform their visions into stunningly colorful multi-media murals. Each artwork is meticulously crafted and reflects the skills and diverse perspectives of the Gateway student body.

Scientific materials are integrated into the murals providing a literal connection between art and science. The students hope the murals will inspire scientists working at 101 College Street in their creative discoveries.  

Not long ago, students had the opportunity to meet in person with 101 College Street’s developer, Carter Winstanley, founder of Winstanley Enterprises. He shared his passion for public art and his excitement for the murals. Meeting him provided some extra motivation for the students and deepened their understanding of the impact art can have on urban spaces.

For Gateway, officials underscore, this initiative is painting and more!

“It’s about breaking barriers and inviting dialogue. The murals, on display for the enjoyment of all the people who walk, bike and drive by each day, reaffirm the importance of art as a universal language that transcends boundaries.”

The project is set to culminate this fall in a public reveal and celebration at the plaza at 101 College Street, on September 12. College and scientific community members will have the opportunity to experience, first-hand, the student’s talent and creativity.

Gateway is looking to build on this beginning, asking “Wouldn’t it be great if this is just the first of many public art projects featuring Gateway artists?”  The answer, they suggest, could be in the form of a donation to the Gateway Foundation to support creative arts programs.

Meanwhile, in Hartford, the Greater Hartford Arts Council has introduced the Art Star Photo Mosaic Mural, a unique 400-square-foot public artwork project. Supported by Shelbourne Global Solutions and LAZ Parking, it will be unveiled on Pearl Street in Downtown Hartford next to the Gold Building towards the end of the year.  It is the first crowd-sourced photo mosaic mural in Connecticut.

Community members are invited to participate in creating the mural, designed by local artist Ellis Echevarria. The mural will be composed of thousands of images from local “Art Stars,” with a one-time donation, anyone can become an Art Star and add a photo to the mural. The finished mosaic will also offer an interactive digital experience, allowing global viewers to explore the individual images and stories.

This initiative, officials explain, emphasizes the city's creativity and community spirit, and aims to support the arts in Greater Hartford. It also “ensures the sustainability of our local arts ecosystem, creating jobs for artists and enriching the community with various art installations and events.”