Three Connecticut Banks, Already Connected, Will Adopt a Single Identity
/After operating under a single charter with Northwest Community Bank since January 4, 2021, beginning March 10, 2025, Collinsville Bank and Litchfield Bancorp will no longer be “Divisions” of Northwest Community Bank. All bank operations will convert to one common name, a new, single brand: Northwest Community Bank, according to a letter to bank customers sent today from President & CEO Maura A. Malo.
As of March 10, 2025 all branches of “Collinsville Bank, a Division of Northwest Community Bank” and “Litchfield Bancorp, a Division of Northwest Community Bank” will open as Northwest Community Bank.
Currently, Northwest Community Bank is a mutually owned state-chartered bank, headquartered in Winsted. The bank has branches in Avon, Granby, New Hartford, Simsbury, Torrington, and an academic branch at Northwestern Regional High School in Winsted. Litchfield Bancorp – A Division of Northwest Community Bank has branches in Litchfield, Lakeville, Torrington and Watertown; and Collinsville Bank – A Division of Northwest Community Bank has branches in Collinsville, Canton and Farmington.
Connecticut consumers will see a new, updated logo on branch signage, websites and disclosure forms, and all previously exiting logos, including the Northwest Community Bank logo that has been in use for over 25 years, will change.
Malo pointed out that “It’s important to note that this is not a merger or acquisition of your bank, but a streamlining and updating of the bank’s brand. It’s a new chapter in the proud histories of three community banks. We remain a mutual bank, owned by our customers.”
She added that “as one bank, Northwest Community Bank will continue to be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Connecticut Mutual Holding Company, which was established in 2001, and has included all three original banks.” Malo added that “over the last few years, some customers have been unsure, perhaps confused, by the use of three different brands by their bank. Now our move to one brand will unify our entire service area.”
“As a people-oriented institution, we also understand how important personal relationships are to our customers, and we’re pleased to assure you that the staff that you know and trust will remain with the bank branches they are in now,” the correspondence to customers noted.
In 2001, Northwest Community Bank and Litchfield Bancorp formed Connecticut Mutual Holding Company, preserving the unique qualities of the individual banks while strengthening their ability to meet the needs of their communities, customers and employees. In 2010 Collinsville Savings Society became the third affiliate of Connecticut Mutual Holding Company.
Current customers will be receiving detailed information about their account(s) in the coming weeks, and officials indicated that they “look forward to presenting our new look—created with a renewed commitment to quality customer service.”