Two Connecticut Governors Side-by-Side to Explore Civility in Politics

It may be an evening that generates more light than heat, unlike most political events witnessed in recent years.  Connecticut Public and the University of Hartford (UHart) are collaborating to host a unique conversation between two Connecticut governors – one Democrat and one Republican - on Wednesday, September 13th, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. on the University of Hartford campus.

Governor Ned Lamont, a Democrat sworn in to his second term in January as the state’s 89th governor, will engage in a dialogue with Governor M. Jodi Rell, a Republican who served as Connecticut’s 87th governor from 2004 until 2011, the second woman and first Republican woman to serve as governor of the state.

As the country and even local communities wrestle with divisions, Connecticut Public is “proud to facilitate conversations around our state focused on how individuals and lawmakers can encourage civility in our discourse,” officials said.

UHart is home to the Governor M. Jodi Rell Center for Public Service, which was established after Rell’s term to promote values exemplified in the governor’s career, including integrity in government and responsible participation in public life, officials explained. The event will be held in Millard Auditorium on the University of Hartford campus, nearby the campus location where President Biden spoke during a Safer Communities Summit earlier this summer. 

"As part of our ongoing series to highlight civility in public dialogue, we are delighted to have former Governor M. Jodi Rell and current Governor Ned Lamont together for an evening of discussion led by Lucy Nalpathanchil, Connecticut Public's Vice President of Community Engagement," said Connecticut Public President and CEO Mark G. Contreras.

“The Governor M. Jodi Rell Center emphasizes civil political discourse, and so we are incredibly pleased to co-host this event at the University of Hartford,” said center Director Katharine Owens, also a UHart professor. “We depend on thoughtful leaders to set a good example and engage in this kind of meaningful dialogue across party lines.”

On the agenda:  the governors will talk about incivility, the role of policymakers in civil discourse, and how all residents can learn to bridge divides despite political affiliations.

The event is free to the public. Registration can be found at  The event will also be livestreamed and available at It will be moderated by CT Public’s Lucy Nalpathanchil.