Needs of People with Rare Diseases to be in the Spotlight with Leap Year Observance

Needs of People with Rare Diseases to be in the Spotlight with Leap Year Observance

2020 is a leap year, which brings an extra day to the calendar at the end of this month and a singular observance.  The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), with headquarters in Danbury, is the Official U.S. Sponsor of Rare Disease Day, which will be marked in Connecticut and around the country on and around Saturday, February 29.

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Student Math Assessment Scores Largely Unchanged

Student Math Assessment Scores Largely Unchanged

In 2019, average mathematics scores for students across the nation were one point higher at grade 4 and 1 point lower at grade 8 than in 2017.  Approximately 296,900 students across the nation participated in the 2019 mathematics assessment administered by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). In the 8th grade assessment, Connecticut’s average student score was tied for 10th highest in the nation.

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UConn Puts 7 On List Of World’s Most Highly-Cited Researchers; 51 at Yale University Earn Place

UConn Puts 7 On List Of World’s Most Highly-Cited Researchers; 51 at Yale University Earn Place

Seven University of Connecticut professors have been named to a list of the world’s most highly-cited researchers.  The 2019 Highly Cited Researchers list, released recently by the Web of Science Group, identifies scientists and social scientists who produced multiple papers ranking in the top one percent.

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New CT Exhibit Looks Back at Women Earning Right to Vote, 100 Years Ago

New CT Exhibit Looks Back at Women Earning Right to Vote, 100 Years Ago

In honor of the 100th anniversary year of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which not only gave women the right to vote, but ensured their access to the political process and opened doors for them to achieve their educational, economic, and civic goals, the Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame (CWHF) and the Connecticut Historical Society (CHS) have collaborated, with the support of CT Humanities, to develop a new banner exhibit, entitled "Rise Up, Sisters!"

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