Cable Coverage Is High; Broadband Is State's Next Target
/The Hartford-New Haven television market is the 30th largest in the country, with a population of 2.6 million and just over 1 million television households. Cable penetration - the number of tv households with cable television - is 82 percent, among the highest in the country. Satellite penetration stands at 14%.
As traditional television content becomes increasingly available on the Internet, more attention is being paid to broadband availability in the state. Broadband commonly refers to high-speed Internet access that is always on and faster than previous dial-up access.
A recent report by the Connecticut Academy for Science and Engineering found that there are segments of the population in CT that do not have broadband connectivity due to factors including "lack of interest or understanding of the importance of internet access," the lack of digital literacy, or costs associated with broadband connections. Among the recommendations: CT should establish a broadband cabinet that focuses on state policy, bringing together existing resources to encourage strong coordination. The report also noted that "making broadband technologies accessible to all residents will be an engine of growth for the state."