International Air Travel Connections Drop in Hartford, Jump in New Haven

The Brookings Institute has released data on the flow of international passengers in and out of the largest U.S. metropolitan areas.  The web-based data, drawn from a new report primarily comparing 2003 with 2011, highlights the scale of passenger traffic flows and points to the international markets where these ties are particularly strong. The report, “Global Gateways:  International Aviation in Metropolitan America,” released in October 2012, found that:

  • International air travel in and out of the United States more than doubled between 1990 and 2011. The growth in international passengers during the 21-year period was more than double the growth in domestic passengers and real GDP
  •  Since 2003, international air travel grew between the United States and every global region, with the strongest growth coming from emerging markets.
  • Just 17 metropolitan gateways captured 73 percent of all international passengers starting or ending their trip in the United States as well as 97 percent of all international transfer passengers.
  • As metropolitan economies expand their global reach through trade and investment, international avia­tion plays a pivotal role in the movement of people across national borders.

The national growth was not uniformly reflected in Connecticut.  Of all passengers flying to or from an international destination in Hartford, 17.9% flew direct.  The remainder required connecting flights.  The number of passengers flying internationally thru Hartford dropped from 347,311 in 2003 to 278,997 in 2011, a downward change of nearly 20 percent.  In 2003, Hartford was 40th of 90 airport locations; by 2011 that had dropped to  47th of 90.  The change was a 19.7 percent drop.

By way of comparison, Providence ranked 49th in 2003 in international travelers and 69th in 2011, reflecting a drop in passengers from 187,819 to 126,423, a drop of 32.7 percent.

The numbers for New Haven were considerably smaller, but tell an interesting story nonetheless.  The number of international travelers touching New Haven jumped by 133.5 percent between 2003 and 2011, from 1,645 passengers to 3,841 passengers.  That’s the largest percentage increase of any of the 90 locations in the nation.  In terms of the number of passengers, however, New Haven nudged upward from dead last (90th out of 90) to 89th.

The Brookings data “goes beyond describing where passengers are going and tells us how they get there.”  Using data on transfer points and a map that visualizes each leg of each international route, it paints a portrait of how the global aviation infrastructure rises to meet the demand of international passengers.



East Coast Greenway Charts A Downtown Path in Hartford

You wouldn’t expect to see a sign designating Capitol Avenue in Hartford, on the corner of Sisson Avenue, as the route of the East Coast Greenway – but nonetheless, there it is.  Affixed to a utility pole, not a tree. The East Coast Greenway (ECG) is being established as a 3,000 mile traffic-free (not quite yet) trail that will connect cities and towns from the Canadian border at Calais, Maine to Key West, Florida.  Linking together publicly-owned, firm-surface trails, the ECG is envisioned as a safe route for exercise, recreation and transportation for the 30 million Americans who live near the route and as a tourism destination for millions of visitors.  It includes 15 states (and the District of Columbia), 25 major cities, and scores of smaller cities, towns, villages and counties.

The 198-mile Connecticut section of the East Coast Greenway route shows off the diversity of Connecticut from coast to inland, city to country. The eastern part of the state, sometimes referred to as the “last green valley” is the most rural area in the corridor between Boston and Washington, DC.   A series of rail trails, including the Air Line Trail North and the Hop River Trail, run through this region connecting historic mill towns like Willimantic and pass through forests and farmlands between.

In the western half of the state, the Greenway connects the major cities of Hartford, New Haven, and Stamford and allows users to experience history while touring the Farmington Canal Greenway from Simsbury to New Haven. Southwest of New Haven along Long Island Sound, the interim on-road route hugs the shore through the suburbs to the New York line.

Approximately 28% of the 198-mile route is complete as traffic-free trail, and another 28% is in development. There remains much work ahead,  including the Merritt Parkway Trail, envisioned to parallel the Merritt Parkway in Fairfield County, the Farmington Canal Greenway between Southington and Farmington, and the route from Hartford to Simsbury.

Among the partners working to bring the project to completion in the state of Connecticut are:

This past August, a group of 37 riders traveled from Portland and rode over 400 miles in seven days to Hartford, where they were greeted by Mayor Pedro Segarra.


Historic Bulkeley Bridge Turns 104; Oldest River Crossing in Hartford

The Bulkeley Bridge, carrying I-84, US 6 and US 44 across the Connecticut River, connects Hartford and East Hartford.  It's the oldest river crossing in the Hartford area, and will celebrate it's birthday this weekend. The bridge opened on Oct. 6, 1908, and was preceded by an older bridge that burned down in 1895. Each day over 140,000 drivers pass directly over one of New England’s most important architectural treasures. The bridge is currently listed on the United States National Register of Historic places as a heritage site.

Construction began in 1903, and the bridge was named after a former Mayor of Hartford and Senator at the time of its construction Morgan G. Bulkeley. The bridge was proposed to replace a two-lane covered toll bridge that opened in 1818. The 974-foot span carried horse traffic, and in 1890 trolley lines were added, connecting Hartford to East Hartford and Glastonbury.

On May 17, 1895, the bridge was destroyed in a raging fire. The legislature looked for a way to replace the old wooden bridge with a more permanent and iconic bridge that would hold up to the elements, honor Connecticut’s heritage, and perhaps most importantly keep Connecticut hiring in-state.

The costs of construction are estimated at roughly $3 million for the State of Connecticut which - adjusted for inflation - has been considered to be the most expensive bridge project  in Connecticut history.

CT Gas Prices Now Highest in Region, Ranked Third in USA

We’re number one in the Northeast.  On October 1, 2012, Connecticut’s average price-at-the-pump for regular gasoline was $4.12 a gallon, slightly higher than New York’s $4.10 a gallon.  The only states in the nation with higher prices are California and Hawaii.  Rounding out the top six- and the only other states topping $4 a gallon - are Alaska and Washington, according to AAA’s Daily Fuel Gauge Report. The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline, however, decreased five cents last week to $3.83 per gallon.  Nearly a dozen states hover around $3.60 per gallon for regular gas, according to AAA.

The Independent Connecticut Petroleum Association explains, “Connecticut has the highest combined state taxes on gasoline and as a result has the highest gasoline prices. However, if you subtract the state and federal taxes from average state prices across this region - then Connecticut's gasoline prices are no higher than anywhere else in our region.”

This is, however, one expensive region.  Nationally, Connecticut's combined state and federal gas taxes have been consistently in the top five.  In July, Connecticut was surpassed only by California, Hawaii and New York, according to the American Petroleum Institute;  in January, New York, California and Connecticut were all within six-tenths of a penny in leading the tax pack.

Where is the most expensive place in the most expensive state in the region?  According to, gas stations located in Westport, West Haven and Wilton have the state’s highest prices, topping $4.40 a gallon.  Guilford, East Haven, and Stratford have among the lowest prices, under $4 a gallon.

The U.S. Energy Information Agency (USEIA) reports that gasoline prices tend to be higher the farther it is sold from the source of supply: ports, refineries, and pipeline and blending terminals. About 60% of the crude oil processed by U.S. refineries in 2011 was imported. The U.S. Gulf Coast was the source of about 23% of the gasoline produced in the U.S. and the starting point for most major gasoline pipelines, so those States farther from the refineries tend to  have higher prices, according to USEIA. They also remind consumers that California prices are higher and more variable  because there are relatively few supply sources of its unique blend of gasoline.  California’s reformulated gasoline program is more stringent than the Federal government’s.  And as for Hawaii, well, the price implications of their location are self-evident.

CTrides Encourages Carpooling, Mass Transit with Attractive Benefits and Savings

Here’s a sit-up-and-take-notice statistic:  if you commute 20 miles a day (one-way) to work, it can cost $7,000 a year – and by deciding to carpool, commuters can cut that cost in half. So, how exactly does one find a carpool buddy?  Incredible as it may seem, the government is here to help.  The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) has developed commuter services designed to meet the needs of commuters and employers.  CTrides is the network of employer and employee support programs that endorse a variety of alternatives to driving alone - carpooling, vanpooling, riding the bus and train or telecommuting - resulting in improved air quality, reduced traffic congestion and a better quality of life for all.  Not to mention the potential to save consumers money.

If you would like to figure out just how much you might save, well, there’s an app for that, sort of.  The CTrides website has a link where you can punch in the numbers and come away with estimated savings.

Working with employers across the state (103 employers signed up so far), CTrides seeks to improve commuter mobility to help sustain the growth and vitality of the state’s economy and make the state more competitive in the employment marketplace.  Since the CT Rides initiative was launched – less than a year ago – the number of people taking advantage of ride-matching and ride-sharing is substantial.

The Nuride program, for example, has seen 670 Nuriders pre-register since October 2011. They are using the website to locate carpool candidates, and tracking all of their “green” commuting to earn rewards, at locations such as Barnes & Noble, Applebee’s and Mystic Aquarium.   To date, the Nuriders have saved an estimated $136,919 in commuting costs.  Nuride is offered in seven areas of the country, including Connecticut.  The others are Houston, the District of Columbia, Richmond and Hampton Roads, VA, and Massachusetts.

Officials also point out that there are tax benefits to the CTrides program.  Federal law allows tax savings for commuters who travel to work by train, bus or vanpool. An employer sets up a program (with the help of a CTrides representative) that allows an employee to set aside up to $125 per month of salary before taxes to pay for transit or vanpool fares. An employee may also set aside up to $240 per month for qualified parking. Tax savings, officials report, can be more than $800 a year.

For those hesitant to give up their vehicles, there is even a free trial ride offer.  ConnDOT is offering commuters a free trial ride to work on state-subsidized buses and existing Easy Street® vanpool routes with available seats. The free trial ride consists of a 10-trip bus pass or a free week using an Easy Street® vanpool.

For information, CTrides can be contacted at 1-877-CTrides (1-877-287-4337).

Video Campaign Seeks to Reduce Texting While Driving

Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen – the father of two teenage boys - has joined a national public service campaign featuring scenes from the award-winning television series “Glee” to help educate young adult drivers on the dangers of texting while driving. The campaign is sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the State Attorneys General, Consumer Protection Agencies, and the Ad Council, with Twentieth Century Fox Television and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.

The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles reported last month that since tougher teen driving laws took effect four years ago, the number of teen drivers killed in crashes dropped from 7 in 2007 to one in 2011. NHTSA reports that in 2010, more than 3,000 people were killed and an additional 416,000 were injured due to distracted driving, which includes texting while driving.

The new television and digital public service announcements (PSAs) employ a catastrophic crash scene from “Glee,” caused by texting and driving, to emphasize that distracted driving can have horrific consequences.

The PSAs direct young adult drivers to the Texting and Driving Prevention campaign web site,, where teens and young adults can find facts about the impact of texting while driving and tips for how to curb the behavior.  Three key facts are cited:

  • Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field. (2009, VTTI)
  • A texting driver is 23 times more likely to get into an accident than a non-texting driver. (2009, VTTI)
  • Of those killed in distracted-driving-related crashed, 995 involved reports of a cell phone as a distraction (18% of fatalities in distraction-related crashes). (NHTSA)

Connecticut law prohibits use of handheld cell phones and texting while driving. Fines range from $125 for a first offense to $400 for a third or subsequent offense.  For teenage drivers, the state DMV will suspend the driver’s license or learner’s permit of a 16- or 17-year-old for 30 days to six months for any conviction of violating a teen driving restriction or using a cell phone or text messaging device while driving. Those teens will have to pay a $175 license restoration fee as well as court fines.

According to a new national survey conducted by the Ad Council, the message may be getting through. Thirty-four percent of respondents said that they never text while driving, a significant increase from 28 percent in 2011. All of the new PSAs will run and air in advertising time and space that is donated by the media.

Additional resources

Stricter Laws For Teen Driving Bringing Life-saving Results

Connecticut is observing the four-year anniversary of the state’s adoption of tougher teen driving laws, and the  Department of Motor Vehicles is reporting that the laws are having the intended effect. A series of high-profile crashes in 2007 triggered a campaign that a year later brought new laws with longer periods of passenger restrictions, an 11 p.m. curfew time, stiffer penalties for violations, extended training requirements and a mandated parent-teen information session about safe driving.

According to state officials, the new laws that in 2008 brought increased restrictions, tougher training requirements and expensive penalties for violations, are credited for a steady reduction in 16- and 17-year-old drivers’ deaths.  The number of teen drivers killed in crashes fell from a high of seven in 2007 — the year before the new laws started — to one for last year.

Transportation study researchers in Trumbull, Preusser Research Group, found that Connecticut has seen a strong reduction- more than the national average - for teen driver crashes. Comparing crashes before and after the passage of new laws, Preusser found a 34 percent reduction in 16 and 17-year-olds’ crashes in Connecticut compared to a 26-percent national average.

Among the leaders of the effort to improve Connecticut's teen driving laws was Hartford attorney Tim Hollister, whose sone Reid died in a one-car accident on I-84 in December 2006.  Hollister served on a gubernatorial task force whose recommendations led to the new, stricter laws.

Under Connecticut law, 16-and 17-year-olds, for the first 6 months after obtaining a driver license, may only drive with:

  • Parents or legal guardian at least one of whom holds a valid driver license
  • Licensed driving instructor or
  • Person providing instruction who is at least 20 years old, has held a license for at least 4 years with no suspensions during the last 4 years

For the second 6 months, may drive with the above people and may also drive with immediate family (e.g., brothers, and sisters).  And until 18 th birthday, may not drive between hours of 11 p.m. – 5 a.m. unless it is for:

  • employment
  • school
  • religious activities
  • medical necessity



$3 million in federal transportation funds headed to CT

Federal funds from the Department of Transportation are headed to Connecticut to help maintain Connecticut’s roads and bridges, preserve historic landmarks and make communities more livable.  The announcement was made by the state’s Congressional delegation. Where is the money headed?

  • $850,000 to the City of Stamford for the replacement of the West Main Street Bridge over the Mill River, which will enhance pedestrian access to Downtown Stamford.
  • $500,000 to the City of Torrington for improvements and streetscape enhancements to Torrington’s Main Street and downtown.
  • $325,000 to the Town of Mansfield to provide new transit access to Mansfield Hollow Lake
  • $788,724 to the Connecticut Department of Transportation to improve the terminal facilities for the Rocky Hill-Glastonbury Ferry, the oldest continuously operating ferry in the nation.
  • $400,000 to Connecticut Department of Transportation to use innovation bridge construction techniques to replace a bridge over the Saugatuck River in Weston
  • $300,000 to Connecticut Department of Transportation to rehabilitate and preserve the Cornwall Covered Bridge through the National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program.

Ryan Flew to Hartford En Route to Receiving Romney's VP Offer

Question:  If you are the soon-to-be Republican nominee for President of the United States and you’d like to have a private meeting with your prospective running mate, just outside of Boston, how do you secretly get him there?  Answer:  Have him fly into Hartford. NBC News is reporting that when Gov. Mitt Romney met with Rep. Paul Ryan on August 5 in Brookline, MA where he offered the VP slot on the GOP national ticket, Ryan had driven from his Wisconsin home to Chicago, and took a flight to Hartford.   Ryan was met at Bradley International Airport by the 19-year-old son of Beth Myers, who headed the Romney campaign’s  VP vetting operation, and he drove Ryan, undetected by the news media, to the Myers home in Brookline where Romney was waiting.

So, let history record that Connecticut's Bradley International Airport  - the second largest in New England, contributing $4 billion in economic activity in the region - was the Gateway to New England, Mitt Romney and the Vice Presidential nomination for a Congressman from Wisconsin in 2012.

Still revolutionary, as advertised.


Connecticut is #26 in Levels of Biking, Walking; #24 in Fatalities

There were 27 fatal bicycling accidents in Connecticut between 2005 and 2010, and the total number of biking-related crashes around the state during that five-year span was 4,276, the Hartford Advocate is reporting, citing official state data.  State officials also report that between 2005 and 2009, there were about 5,300 pedestrian-related traffic accidents in Connecticut The Tri-State Transportation Campaign recently issued an analysis of pedestrian accidents in Connecticut between 2008 and 2010 that showed there were 121 pedestrian deaths in that time frame.

The state’s Department of Transportation is beginning to respond.  The DOT announced recently that a 2.75-mile stretch of Burnside Avenue in East Hartford (part of Route 44), between Main and Mary Streets, will be redesigned to reduce the number of travel lanes for vehicles and to install bike lanes.  Much attention has been paid to the section of roadway following a series of fatal bicycle-car collisions that took the lives of three East Hartford cyclists during the past two years.  The Hartford Courant has reported that the DOT considers the plan the first of its kind in the state – a state road redesign aimed at improving bicyclist and pedestrian safety.

Earlier this year, Bicycling and Walking in the United States: 2012 Benchmarking Report, produced by the Alliance for Biking & Walking, ranked all 50 states (and the 51 largest U.S. cities) on bicycling and walking levels, safety, funding, and other factors.  Connecticut ranked #26 among the states in levels of bicycling and walking.  In fatalities, the state ranked #24.  Among the reports noteworthy statistics:

  • Seniors are the most vulnerable bicyclists and pedestrians. Adults over 65 make up 10% of walking trips, yet comprise 19% of pedestrian fatalities. This age group accounts for 6% of bicycling trips, yet 10% of bicyclist fatalities.
  • Bicycling and walking projects create 11-14 jobs per $1 million spent, compared to just 7 jobs created per $1 million spent on highway projects. Cost benefit analysis show that up to $11.80 in benefits can be gained for every $1 invested in bicycling and walking.
  • While bicycling and walking fell 66% between 1960 and 2009, obesity levels increased 156%.
  • On average, the largest 51 U.S. cities show a 29% increase in bicycle facilities since the 2010 report.

All of which underscores the need to improve bicycling safety, as biking becomes more popular across the country.