Preventing Elder Abuse: CT Ranks 26th in USA

Connecticut ranks 26th among the nation’s 50 states in providing protections for elder abuse, according to a new analysis of state policies by the financial website WalletHub. Connecticut is the 7th oldest population in the nation.  The U.S. Census Bureau expects the national population aged 65 and older to nearly double from 43.1 million in 2012 to 83.7 million in 2050, in large measure due to aging Baby Boomers who began turning 65 in 2011.

Abuse happens every day and takes many forms, WalletHub’s elder-abuseexplains. “Anyone can become a victim of abuse, but vulnerable older Americans — especially those who are women, have disabilities and rely on others for care or other type of assistance — are among the easiest targets for such misconduct.”

WalletHub’s analysts compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia based on 10 key indicators of elder-abuse protection. The data set ranges from “share of elder-abuse, gross-neglect and exploitation complaints” to “financial elder-abuse laws.” By one estimate, the analysis summary points out, elder abuse affects as many as 5 million people per year, and 96 percent of all cases go unreported.

States described as having the “Best Elder-Abuse Protections” are the District of Columbia, Nevada, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Missouri, Tennessee, Iowa, Louisiana, Vermont and Hawaii.  At the bottom of the list were Rhode Island, California, Wyoming and South Carolina.

WalletHub’s review of data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia were conducted across three key dimensions: 1) Prevalence, 2) Resources and 3) Protection.  Connecticut’s highest ranking in the individual categories was in Resources, ranking 23rd.  The Resources category included Total Expenditures on Elder-Abuse Prevention per Resident Aged 65 & Older, Total Expenditures on Legal-Assistance Development per Resident Aged 65 & Older, Total Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Funding per Resident Aged 65 & Older.

The state legislature earlier this year folded the Legislative Commission on Aging into the new Commission on Women, Children and Seniors.  Former executive director Julia Evans Starr pointed out in an April article that "Elder abuse is a significant social justice issue that transcends race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, income, and education levels. At least 10 percent of older adults have suffered elder abuse — and that proportion is set rise among Connecticut’s rapidly growing, longer-lived population. It demands a strong policy response."

EpiPen in Connecticut: Costs Vary, Concerns Continue; New Congressional Hearing Possible

Obscured in recent months by the intense presidential campaign, the furor over the price of pharmaceutical company Mylan’s life-saving EpiPen may be moving back to center stage in Washington as questions continue about Connecticut’s policy and the varying impact on school districts across the state.  The EpiPen is the widely used medical device that quickly administers a dose of epinephrine to counter allergic reactions. The cost of EpiPens to Connecticut schools - which keep EpiPens in their nurses’ offices in case a student has a severe allergic reaction - may be defrayed or eliminated by Mylan’s “EpiPens4Schools” program, which gives some schools two twin packs of the medical devices for free.  But that is not uniformly true, according to a recent survey by CT by the Numbers, and questions are being raised about the program’s future. pens

A report by Connecticut’s Office of Legislative Research found that “over the last decade, Mylan has continuously increased the EpiPen’s cost, from approximately $60 in 2007 to over $600 in 2016 for a pack of two pens. The device requires a prescription and must be replaced annually.”

North Haven, which has participated in the free program, warns that “if the free program is discontinued, it will be a significant financial burden” for the school district.  “To satisfy the Connecticut mandate, we must stock one box each of EpiPen Jr. and EpiPen Sr., bringing the total cost to $1,600 x 7 schools = $11,200/year!!!”

In Chaplin, officials have also been using the free program, but note “we will not always be eligible year-to-year,” anticipating “the cost increasing by at least $300 or greater per school.”

Now, the chairman of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee says he is considering a subpoena or another method of compelling testimony from Mylan and federal officials, the Associated Press is reporting.  Mylan says it agreed to pay $465 million to settle allegations it overbilled Medicaid for EpiPen, but Sen. Charles Grassley says the Justice Department has said there is no "executed settlement."  At issue is whether the product should have been classified as

Published reports indicate that Mylan acquired the decades-old product in 2007, when pharmacies paid less than $100 for a two-pen set, and has since been steadily raising the wholesale price. In 2009, a pharmacy paid $103.50 for a set. By July 2013 the price was up to $264.50, and it rose 75 percent to $461 by May 2015. This past May the price spiked again to $608.61, according to data provided by Elsevier Clinical Solutions’ Gold Standard Drug Database.

At a December 1 health forum sponsored by Forbes, Mylan CEO Heather Bresch said “We absolutely raised the price and take full responsibility for that, ” insisting that Mylan’s price increases were justified by improvements the company made on the product.

As the increases were being imposed, Mylan intensified efforts to have states require that EpiPens be made available in schools.  Connecticut was among 11 states which passed such a law.  The Connecticut General Assembly approved a bill in June 2014 that required all state primary and secondary schools to carry a supply of EpiPens. The new law also allowed school personnel other than a school nurse – if they were properly trained – to administer the epinephrine.  Published reports indicate that other states have approved laws allowing student to bring the dispensers with them to classes or encouraging schools to stock the drug.

The Connecticut Department of Education said it does not know how much the new mandate cost the state’s more than 1,300 primary and secondary schools, because the drug is purchased at the local level at a number of approved pharmacies throughout the state, officials told CT Mirror earlier this year.

A number of districts indicated to CT by the Numbers that they had EpiPens on hand in their schools even before passage of the state requirement, and at least one that had participated in the free program previously did not do so this year.

In Eastford, officials purchased one .15 mg dose and one .30 mg dose EpiPen in each of the past three years.  The costs increased steadily, from $599.90 in 2021-13 to $740 in 2015-16.   In the Region 9 (Easton, Redding) school district, for example, officials indicated that they paid $325 each for three EpiPen twin-packs for the Helen Keller Middle School this year.

Northwestern Regional School District 7 and Regional School District 12, both participants in the free program, have not incurred any costs for EpiPens in recent years.  Bolton school officials report that costs have increased in recent years, to approximately $600 per package of two” for a total of $1800 for the year.  Region 16 reports that they budget for EpiPen purchases each year, in case the free program is no longer available to them.  As of last year, they indicated, the twin-pack price was $535, but they were able to benefit from the company’s free program.

In Cromwell, schools have received 2 twin-packs per school through the free program for the past three years; previously they were purchased by the school district, officials said. In Ansonia, some were provided at no cost, others were purchased. The last time that North Haven paid for the EpiPens was in 2012, when the cost was about $190 each.

statIn 2015 the legislature considered, but did not pass, a bill requiring the insurance commissioner to study and report on health insurance coverage of and out-of-pocket expenses for EpiPens, according to the OLR report.  The 2014 legislation requires (a) schools to designate and train nonmedical staff to administer EpiPens to students having allergic reactions who were not previously known to have serious allergies and (b) the public health and education departments to jointly develop an annual training program for emergency EpiPen administration.

The website STAT, which focuses on health and medicine, reports that Mylan Pharmaceuticals has been selling the devices to schools at a discounted price for years, giving them a break from rising costs. But the program also prohibited schools from buying competitors’ devices — a provision that experts say may have violated antitrust law.

Mylan’s “EpiPen4Schools” program, begun in August 2012, offers free or discounted EpiPens to schools. Over 65,000 schools receive free EpiPens through the program; an unknown number of schools buy the epinephrine auto-injectors at a discount. Laws in at least 11 states require schools to stock epinephrine, and keeping a stockpile is incentivized by federal law across the country.

As of last year, the EpiPen4Schools discounted price was $112.10, according to company documents reported by STAT, although the prices cited by Connecticut districts vary.


America’s Best States to Live In: Connecticut Ranks Second

The only state that is a better place to live in than Connecticut is Massachusetts, according to a new survey of key data.  Connecticut was ranked second when the website 24/7 Wall St. reviewed three statewide social and economic measures — poverty rate, educational attainment, and life expectancy at birth — to rank each state’s living conditions.  Based on the data analyzed, the state’s motto could easily be “live long and prosper.” Massachusetts, home to one of the nation’s wealthiest and most highly educated populations, followed by neighboring Connecticut, lead the nation in quality of life. Mississippi, the poorest state in the country, trails the other 49 states.

Among the key stats for Connecticut:

  • 10-year population growth: 5.8% (10th lowest)
  • Unemployment rate: 5.1% (19th highest)
  • Poverty rate: 10.5% (6th lowest)
  • Life expectancy at birth: 80.4 years (2nd highest)

ct-2Quality of life in the United States is heavily dependent on financial status, the survey summary points out. As a consequence, the nation’s best states to live in often report very high incomes. With a median household income of $71,346 a year, fifth highest of all states, Connecticut is the second best state to live in and an especially good example of this pattern, the description of Connecticut’s ranking explains.

The publication notes that “While satisfactory living conditions are possible with low incomes, this is true only to a point. Once incomes fall below the poverty line, for example, financial constraints are far more likely to diminish quality of life.”

Rounding out the top five:  New Hampshire, Minnesota, and New Jersey.  At the bottom of the list: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, West Virginia and Mississippi.

Education levels are another major contributor to a community’s living conditions — not just as a basis of economic prosperity, but also as a component of an individual’s quality of life. Due in part to the greater access to high paying jobs that often require a college degree, incomes also tend to be higher in these states. In all of the 15 best states in which to live, the typical household earns more than the national median household income of $55,775, 24/7 Wall St. pointed out.ct-2nd

Like the vast majority of states on the higher end of the list, Connecticut is described as relatively safe. There were 219 violent crimes reported for every 100,000 state residents in 2015, among the lowest rates of all states, the survey stated.  Housing markets are also indicative of quality of living. A high median home value, for instance, frequently means high demand for housing in the area. Nationwide, the typical home is worth $194,500. In most of the 25 top states, the median home value far exceeds the nationwide median.

The survey did not take into account more subjective conditions such as climate preference, the presence of friends and family, and personal history.

To identify the best and worst states in which to live, 24/7 Wall St. devised an index composed of three socioeconomic measures for each state: poverty rate, the percentage of adults who have at least a bachelor’s degree, and life expectancy at birth. The selection of these three measures was inspired by the United Nations’ Human Development Index. Poverty rates and bachelor attainment rates came from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2015 American Community Survey. Life expectancies at birth are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and are as of 2012, latest year for which data is available. Unemployment rates are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and are for October 2016, the most recent available month of data.

Commitment to Children Honored in CT

Connecticut Voices for Children has honored community leaders, policymakers and advocates for children at its 14th annual “First for Kids” awards ceremony. The awards recognize individuals and organizations that have worked to make a difference in the lives of children in the state of Connecticut. This year’s honorees are:

  • Priscilla Canny Research Award - Judith Meyers, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Children’s Fund of Connecticut and its subsidiary, the Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut., for her leadership to ensure that all children have the opportunity to thrive. The Children’s Fund of Connecticut, a public charitable foundation and supporting organization of Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, is dedicated to ensuring that children in Connecticut have a strong start in life with ongoing supports to promote their optimal health and well-being. For over 17 years she has led the organizations' efforts to improve the health, mental health and early care systems for children in Connecticut.
  • Public Service Award - Myra Jones-Taylor, former Commissioner of the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, for her efforts to coordinate and improve the state’s early childhood system. Jones-Taylor, a California native who was the first in her family to graduate from college, came to Hartford in 2012 to lead the planning effort for the newly forming state office. She left the agency in September 2016 and is currently Entrepreneur in Residence at Dalio Foundation.
  • Statewide Child Advocacy Award - Sarah Eagan, Connecticut’s Child Advocate, for her work advancing honoreesthe right of abused and neglected children and children with disabilities. She was appointed by Governor Dannel Malloy to serve as Connecticut's Child Advocate on August 1, 2013. As Child Advocate, she sets priority reviews for the OCA, manages office operations, and publishes vital information regarding the well-being of children and recommendations for system reform. Prior to this appointment, she served for several years as the Director of the Child Abuse Project at the Center for Children's Advocacy in Hartford.
  • Youth Voice Award - Kate Matos and her Fourth-Grade Students at Avon’s Pine Grove Elementary, 2015-2016, for their efforts to raise funds for advocacy through kindness and team work.

“Each of us wants our children to have an opportunity to achieve their full potential. Today, at our annual First for Kids celebration, Connecticut Voices for Children is proud to honor four champions who have worked tirelessly to ensure that opportunity is available to all children in our state, regardless of race, ethnicity or family income,” says Ellen Shemitz, Connecticut Voices for Children’s Executive Director. “Children need champions willing to raise their voices to make universal opportunity a public priority. Today’s honorees have led the way.”voices

“Many children in Connecticut still face considerable challenges to succeed,” says Sharon Langer, Advocacy Director at Connecticut Voices for Children. “Nearly 1 in 3 of our children of color live in poverty, compared to 1 in 20 white children. Our state has one of the largest achievement gaps in the nation based on family income and race. There is a lot of work to be done to close these gaps. We are optimistic that together we can improve the lives of children.”

Connecticut Voices for Children is a research-based policy think tank based in New Haven. The organization “produces research and analysis, promotes citizen education, advocates for policy change at the state and local level and works to develop the next generation of leaders.”

PHOTO:  Judith Meyers, Sarah Eagan, Myra Jones-Taylor

CT 5th Graders Elect State's New Kid Governor

Jessica Brocksom of John F. Kennedy School in Milford has been elected by 5th graders across the state as Connecticut's next Kid Governor.   Connecticut’s Kid Governor is a national award-winning statewide civics program for 5th graders created by the Connecticut Public Affairs Network at Connecticut’s Old State House. Jessica ran on a platform focused on stopping animal cruelty. She plans to lobby state leaders for tougher animal cruelty laws, educate her peers on tkid-governorhis important issue and help animals by organizing fundraisers in Connecticut communities.  The announcement of her election, after more than 4,000 ballots were cast earlier this month by 5th graders, was made at her school in Milford.  She was one of seven candidates on the ballot; only 5th graders were eligible to vote.

In November 2015, hundreds of 5th graders across the state participated in the election of the first ever Connecticut’s Kid Governor. After an exciting race, students elected Elena Tipton of East Hartford who ran on a Campaign for Kindness platform. During her term as Connecticut’s Kid Governor, Elena’s has shared her 3-point plan of action through video messages to constituents, a Kindness is Kool blog, public appearances, and additional activities.  She had an "office" at the Old State House, and met with elected officials including Gov. Dannel Malloy and Congressman John Larson.

The Kid Governor program was designed to teach fifth-graders about government, elections and the importance of civic involvement, and complements the state's social studies curriculum.  It was created by the Connecticut Public Affairs Network and is sponsored by the Connecticut Council for the Social Studies and the State Department of Education. Connecticut’s Kid Governor serves his or her constituents for one year in an active leadership role.

Her teacher, Donna Stuart, told her, “I’m so so unbelievably happy for you. I know you are going to do an amazing job serving all fifth graders in the great state of Connecticut," the Milford Mirror reported.  “You are such a perfect candidate and you inspire me every day, and I am so thrilled that you are now going to be inspiring sokid many others,” Stuart added.

Leaders of the initiative said "We would also like to congratulate the other final candidates for their incredibly inspiring campaigns, which shined a light on many issues important to the children of Connecticut. The 5th grade teachers and students of our state deserve a big thank you for taking part in the 2016 CKG Election - where student participation more than quadrupled from the previous year."

Superintendents on the Move as Revamped Education Funding is on State's Agenda

With a major overhaul of education funding to Connecticut communities on the state legislature's agenda when the newly elected legislature convenes in January in order to comply with a court order, some of the state’s largest school districts are undergoing seismic changes of their own, as superintendents are moving at what appears to be an unprecedented rate in the midst of a school year. Torrington selected a new superintendent just a week ago, even as vacancies were imminent or in place in Hartford, New Haven and Bridgeport, and a new Stamford superintendent is just settling in.superintendent2

Denise Clemons was appointed as the new superintendent of the Torrington public schools, returning to Connecticut after serving as superintendent in Gardner, MA. Previously she was assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction in Groton, MA; the assistant superintendent of secondary education in Bridgeport; and an English teacher in New Haven.

“I hope to kind of bridge the gap between the community and the schools — kind of open it up. I think that we need to work together, and with that, we’ll be better,” Clemons told the Torrington Register- Citizen. “I’m glad to be here because I think that this is a great community, and I think it’s ready for change, and I’m ready to change with them.”

In Bridgeport, the city school board will soon be identifying someone already working in the district, who holds a superintendent certificate and preferably a doctorate degree, to take over for the current interim superintendent until a permanent replacement can be hired next year, the CT Post is reporting.  Fewer than a handful of current district leaders hold the superintendent certification according to the State Department of Education. They include Career and Craftsmanship principal Wayne Alexander, who was a finalist this fall for the interim superintendent position in New Haven.  Applicants in Bridgeport have until November 28 to apply and will be interviewed the first week in December. The board hopes to have made a selection before current Interim Schools Superintendent Fran Rabinowitz leaves on December 30, 2016.

New Haven Superintendent of Schools Garth Harries announced at the end of September that he would be leaving that post in November, after three years in that position, and more than a year before the end of his contract.  A buyout was worked out, reportedly due to clashing priorities and personalities inthe district.  Last month, the Board appointed Reginald Mayo, the longtime superintendent of New Haven Public Schools and the immediate predecessor to departing superintendent Harries, as the school district’s interim superintendent. Mayo worked in the district’s schools for 46 years, 21 of them as superintendent.  A search committee in New Haven has begun work to select a new superintendent, the New Haven Register has reportedglass

Beth Schiavino-Narvaez, the superintendent of Hartford public schools, announced in early September that she is stepping down to take a job with the United States Department of Defense Schools in Okinawa, Japan. She will be the Chief of Instructional Leadership Development with the United States Department of Defense Schools, which is a newly-created position.  The announcement came just weeks into the new school year, and years before her contract was due to expire.  She leaves the district on Dec. 8.  An interim superintendent is expected to be named shortly, the Hartford Courant has reported.

Stamford began the year with an interim Superintendent, James Connelly, who began his stewardship of the district in January.  Earl Kim, a Hawaii native, became Superintendent of Stamford Public Schools in July 2016, after his appointment by the Board of Education in March. Prior to arriving in Stamford, Kim served as Head of School, Kamehameha Schools – Kapālama, and prior to that as Superintendent of Schools in Montgomery Township New Jersey from 2008 to 2012, and in Verona Township New Jersey from 2003 to 2008, according to the district’s website.

Connecticut’s major urban communities are not the only districts seeing superintendent transitions.

The town of Killingly saw its superintendent depart in July, and in September the local board chose Lynne Pierson, most recently the interim superintendent for the Darien school system, to oversee the Killingly district, beginning Oct. 1. She is expected to serve through March 1, or until a new superintendent is chosen, the Norwich Bulletin reported.

And Dr. Toni Jones was appointed the new superintendent of Fairfield Public Schools by the local Board of Education in September.  Jones, who has been serving as the superintendent in the Falls Church City school district in Virginia, will begin serving in her new role in Fairfield on Dec. 5.

Absenteeism Continues to Decline in CT Schools, Nation Looks to CT Approach

Chronic absenteeism is down across the state, according to new data released by the State Department of Education (SDE), a trend that is gaining notice beyond Connecticut and a sign that collaborative efforts to keep students across Connecticut in school and engaged are having a positive impact. The number of chronically absent students in Connecticut dropped to 9.6 percent in 2015-16, down from 10.6 percent the year before and down from a high of 11.5 percent in 2012-13. The decline in Connecticut’s chronic absenteeism rate means that over 10,000 more students are attending school on a daily basis than four years ago. Nationally, missing too much school is a coast-to-coast crisis that affects more than 6.5 million students.

Connecticut's work is gaining attention at the national level, and was subject of an article in the education publication Kappan Magazine.  The article, “Chronic early absence: What states can do” was co-authored by Hedy Chang, executive director of Attendance Works, Charlene M. Russell-Tucker, chief operating officer of the Connecticut State Department of Education, and her colleague Kari Sullivan,  state attendance lead at SDE.missing

The data also shows that while minority students have disproportionately high rates of chronic absenteeism when compared with their white peers, rates of chronic absenteeism are decreasing for black and Hispanic students in Connecticut.

In 2015-16, the chronic absenteeism rate for Hispanic students was 15.7 percent, down from 19.1 percent in 2012-13. For black students, the rate was 14.5 percent in 2015-16, down from 16 percent in 2012-13. (The new data is available on the CSDE’s data portal, EdSight. The data was released as part of a Chronic Absenteeism presentation delivered this month to the State Board of Education.)  The magazine article notes that “Low-income students are four times more likely to be chronically absent than others, often for reasons beyond their control, such as unstable housing, unreliable transportation, and a lack of access to health care.”

Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more days of school for any reason, including excused absences, unexcused absences, suspensions, and other disciplinary actions.

“We have identified several areas where we are shifting our focus to fulfill our promise of an excellent public education for every Connecticut child. One of those focus areas is chronic absence,” said Commissioner of Education Dianna R. Wentzell. “We want every public school student in our state to be in school and engaged. That means we have to work with families, educators, and community stakeholders to decrease the number of days that students are out of school.”

Earlier this year, the State Board of Education adopted its Next Generation Accountability System, which uses multiple academic and non-traditional indicators to assess how well a school is performing toward the goal of preparing all students for success in college, career, and life. Chronic absenteeism is one of the new indicators included in the system, which means school districts will have to pay close attention to the problem of chronic absenteeism and take steps to ensure more students attend school on a daily basis.graph

Research shows that chronic absenteeism is inextricably linked with student performance, and students who are chronically absent are less likely to read on grade level, are less likely to perform well academically, and are at a greater risk for dropping out of high school. Risk factors for chronic absence include poverty, homelessness, chronic health conditions, frequent moves, and disabilities.

The article notes that “Most school districts and states don’t look at all the right data to improve school attendance. They track how many students show up every day and how many are skipping school without an excuse but not how many are missing so many days in excused and unexcused absence that they are headed off track academically.”

Among the communities being highlighted by SDE are Killingly, where chronic absenteeism dropped from 16.2% to 9.7%; Bridgeport, where the reduction was from 25.1% to 19.0%; East Haven, where the drop was from 16.1% to 11.2%; New Britain, where absenteeism was reduced from 24.6% to 20.7%; and Danbury, which saw a reduction from 11% to 7.1% between 2012-13 and 2014-15.  Attendance Works,  a national and state initiative that promotes awareness of the important role that school attendance plays in achieving academic success, is also highlighting specific Connecticut districts where progress is being made, including New Britain, Middletown and Vernon.  alliance

The SDE has been working with key partners such as the Governor’s Prevention Partnership, Attendance Works, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, and the Legislature’s Committee on Children. Chronic absenteeism is addressed in the annual Alliance District grant application for participating districts. The state is also expanding restorative justice programs, such as the Connecticut School-Based Diversion Initiative, and positive behavioral interventions and supports. Additionally, districts are increasing utilization of the Department of Children and Families’ Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services to respond to mental health crises.

“It is critical that we all understand the importance of daily school attendance. Even in the early grades, lost time in school can put students at risk of becoming disengaged or dropping out of school down the road,” said Commissioner Wentzell.  The state approach focuses on six "high-impact" strategies:

#1: Build Awareness #2: Use Data to Promote Action #3: Cultivate Champions to Build a State-Level Infrastructure #4: Build Capacity #5: Identify and Leverage Bright Spots #6: Foster Accountability

The magazine article co-authors stress that “By monitoring chronic absence in grades K-12 — and paying particular attention to the youngest students — states can address the needs of students and their families before they require more expensive intervention and remediation.”

Aerospace Components Manufacturers to Convene in Hartford

Aerospace Components Manufacturers (ACM) “Future WorkForce Opportunities” Fair and Trade Show draws over 850 students to learn about the many career paths available in the local aerospace manufacturing industry. The event takes place the afternoon of Nov. 9 at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.worldsaerospacealley_logo_rev-1 ACM comprises one of the largest, most experienced concentrations of world-class aerospace companies, the world's AEROSPACE ALLEY! ® The organization points out that member firms grew up where aerospace was born. Today, precision components manufacturer in the state take to the skies every day, in every corner of the globe, as they have since the inception of powered flight.

ACM member companies are “united by a single goal; be the world leader in providing customers with aerospace components of unsurpassed quality, at competitive prices and always, on-time delivery.”

To achieve that goal, officials work with peers and with regional, national and international experts to ensure continuous improvement of our products and services. The cornerstone of the effort is an aggressive program for adopting and implementing lean enterprise practices and conducting ongoing workforce training and development.acmlogo-notagline2

Student attendees of the event will have an opportunity to meet and talk with representatives of 100 top suppliers, all in one place at one time.  Last year, over 800 students and teachers visited from 32 schools spread across Connecticut and southwestern Massachusetts to learn about the array of career choices available in the aerospace manufacturing industry.



CT's Science and Technology Ranking Rises to 6th in the Nation

Following three consecutive finishes ranking ninth in the nation in the State Technology and Science Index (STSI), Connecticut has moved up to number six in 2016, it’s highest finish in more than a decade.  The state ranked ninth in 2010, 2012 and 2014 in the analysis produced every other year by the Milken Institute, following a 7th place ranking in 2008 and 10th in 2004.  The ranking was the highest for the state in all seven releases of the STSI index. The STSI benchmarks states on their science and technology capabilities and broader commercialization ecosystems that contribute to company growth, high-value-added job creation, and overall economic growth, the institute’s website explains.  ct-ranks-6th

“We view the STSI as a measure of a state's innovation pipeline. The index isn't intended to be a measure of immediate economic impact, but rather to demonstrate that the return on science and technology assets will accrue in future years.”

The top five states in 2016 are Massachusetts, Colorado, Maryland, California and Washington.  Rounding out the top 10, after Connecticut, are Minnesota, Utah, Virginia and Delaware.

In specific categories, the state’s ranking varied, with considerable improvement in some categories. In the Technology and Science Workforce composite index, Connecticut ranked 10th, an improvement from rankings of 16th in 2014, 13th in 2012 and 14th in 2010.  This composite measures the relative presence of high-end technical talent, and consists of 18 eighteen various indicators.

stsi-reportThe STSI's 107 individual indicators are sorted into five composites: Research and Development Inputs, Risk Capital and Entrepreneurial Infrastructure, Human Capital Investment, Technology and Science Workforce, and Technology Concentration and Dynamism.  The report indicated that "Connecticut showed major improvement in the Technology Concentration and Dynamism index, going from 21st to 10th. This dramatic rise marks one of the larger overall changes on this index. While modest increases were seen in the Research and Development Inputs index and Human Capital Investment index, these two indices have a much heavier focus on stock measures, and Connecticut’s aerospace and defense sectors help anchor the state’s performance in these areas."

Connecticut also ranked 10th in the Technology Concentration and Dynamism composite index, the state’s highest ranking in that category, and largest jump from two years ago.  In 2014, Connecticut ranked 21st.  In the two previous analyses, Connecticut was 12th in 2012 and 18th in 2010.

logoIn the Human Capital Investment composite index, Connecticut ranked third, as it did in 2014 and 2012, after ranking fifth in 2010.  In Research & Development, Connecticut placed eighth, its second highest finish, after ranking tenth, seventh and seventh in previous indexes.  Connecticut ranked 11th in Risk Capital and Entrepreneurial Infrastructure, up from 14th two years ago, but not as high as sixth place in 2012 and third in 2010.

The Human Capital Investment composite index looks at how much is invested in developing the workforce—the most important intangible asset of a regional or state economy. Twenty-one indicators are included in this composite index.  The R&D composite examines a state's R&D capacity to see if it has the facilities that attract funding and create innovations that could be commercialized and contribute to economic growth, and includes eighteen indicators.  The Risk Capital and Entrepreneurial Infrastructure Composite Index determines the success rate of converting research into commercially viable products and services. It includes 12 indicators.

While Connecticut was gaining ground, other states were bottom dwellers.  The analysis raised alarms regarding the prospects for those states.

map“The states with the weakest innovation assets and ecosystems for starting and growing innovative firms face a bleak future unless changes are made. West Virginia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Louisiana make up the bottom five in this year's STSI. They are the least knowledge-intensive and their residents exhibit weak entrepreneurial skills. All of them have undertaken efforts to change their position in technology and science but have had limited success.”

Massachusetts remained in first place with a score of 83.7, retaining the position it has held since the inaugural STSI was released in 2002.

Wyoming, the most improved state, climbed 10 places, to 36th. The state had broad gains but benefited most from the broader definition of occupations in the Technology and Science Workforce category, which included its talent in mining engineering, the analysis pointed out. Missouri rose six spots, to 28th; seen as primarily attributable to a 24-place leap in Risk Capital and Entrepreneurial Infrastructure.

New London’s Hearing Youth Voices is Finalist for Region’s First-Time $50,000 Prize

Hearing Youth Voices, a youth-led social justice organization working to create systemic change in the education system in New London, is one of seven youth organizations in New England with a chance to win a $50,000 grant from The Nellie Mae Education Foundation, the largest philanthropic organization in the region focused exclusively on education. The first-ever Nellie Mae Education Foundation Youth Organizing Award honors a New England youth organizing group that has shown tremendous commitment to advancing student-centered learning or redesigning education to meet the needs of all students - specifically focused on public secondary education.hearing-youth-voices-logo

At Hearing Youth Voices (HYV), youth leaders identify issues, research solutions, and run campaigns aimed at making concrete, meaningful changes in their public schools. The core membership and leadership are working class youth of color, many of whom are also LGBTQI, and/or immigrant, and/or have been pushed out of school.

The winner from among the finalists will be decided by online votes of the public, during a month of balloting.  From November 1 at 12:00 PM EST – November 30 at 12:00 PM EST, the public is invited to vote for finalists through email on the Students at the Center Hub and via text message. The organization with the most votes will receive a $50,000 grant to continue the organization's work around advancing student-centered learning or redesigning education to meet the needs of all students.picture3

Hearing Youth Voices describes itself as “a youth-led organization that trains young people of color to organize, fight, and deconstruct systems of oppression in our community.” Recently, HYV youth ran the “We Want to Graduate Campaign,” which focused on systemic obstacles to students graduating, specifically absence-based credit loss and suspensions.

After two years of hard work on the part of hundreds of youth, the New London Public Schools (NLPS) revised its attendance policy to offer supportive interventions instead of punishments for absent students, a change that affected the more than 3,000 students and families in NLPS. Additionally, HYV youth worked alongside a broader coalition of parent advocates, school staff, and Board of Education members to create the district's first-ever Restorative Practices pilot project.

Most recently, HYV successfully advocated for students to become voting members of the Board of Education's Policy Committee, integrating student voice into the highest level of policy decision-making in the district. Youth leaders identify issues, research solutions, and run campaigns aimed at making concrete, meaningful changes in their public schools.

“Our seven Youth Organizing Award finalists are leaders in promoting student ownership and voice as part of school decision-making in New England,” said Nick Donohue, president and CEO of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation. “These students have committed themselves to improving educational experiences for their peers while building the knowledge and skills which will serve them long after graduation. I’m proud to offer a well-deserved congratulations on the great work they’ve achieved as well as the impact they are making for future students.”

In a student-centered environment, learning is personalized, competency-based, happens anytime, anywhere and allows students to take ownership of their education. Student-centered learning prepares students to master the academic knowledge, critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills they need to thrive.

Also vying for the prize are Portland Empowered (Maine), Sociedad Latina (Boston), Granite State Organizing Project (New Hampshire), Young Voices (Providence), Providence Student Union (Providence), and UP for Learning (Vermont).

The HYV website explains that “our work is different- it is about collective action to solve systemic problems. We don't want to make life easier for one young person or one family. We want to go right down to the root of the problem and fix the system so that no more youth and families have that problem! And we believe that the people who have lived the problem are experts on it and need to help define what the solution could be.......and lead the charge to make that change happen.”

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation supports the promotion and integration of student-centered approaches to learning at the high school level across New England—where learning is personalized; learning is competency-based; learning takes place anytime, anywhere; and students exert ownership over their own learning. To elevate student-centered approaches, the Foundation utilizes a four-part strategy that focuses on: building educator ownership, understanding and capacity; advancing quality and rigor of SCL practices; developing effective systems designs; and building public understanding and demand.