Nationwide Bicycle Fatalities Increase; CT Takes Steps to Improve Safety

The number of bicyclists killed on U.S. roadways is increasing, according to a report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). GHSA’s Spotlight on Highway Safety: Bicyclist Safety indicates that yearly bicyclist deaths increased 16 percent between 2010 and 2012, while overall motor vehicle fatalities increased just one percent during the same time period. While bicyclists killed in motor vehicle crashes increased in 22 states between 2010 and 2012, six states – California, Florida, Illinois, New York, Michigan and Texas – represented 54 percent of all fatalities.  In 2012, Florida had the highest proportion of motor vehicle related deaths that were bicyclists (5 percent), followed by California (4.3 percent) and Massachusetts (4.3 percent).2014_bike_increase

Connecticut, according to the report, had 7 bicyclist deaths in 2010, 8 in 2011 and 4 in 2012.  The state was one of 25 states to have the number of fatalities drop from 2011 to 2012.

Bicycling is being used more for commuting, which is affecting the age of accident victims according to the study. In 2012, adults 20 and over comprised 84 percent of bicycle fatalities. That compares to adults making up only 21 percent in 1975.  Bicycle fatalities are increasingly an urban phenomenon, accounting for 69 percent of all bicycle fatalities in 2012, compared with 50 percent in 1975.

Until 2010, the number of cyclist fatalities annually had been dropping steadily since 1975 nationwide. The recent increase correlates with a 62 percent surge in bicycle commuting since 2000, according to 2013 Census Bureau data, as governments have promoted cycling as a way to reduce traffic, curb vehicle emissions and improve public health.2014_bike_adults

"The increase in cyclist fatalities on the road is tragic, but unsurprising, given the growth of the driving population and the number of cars on the road,” said Kelly Kennedy, Executive Director of Bike Walk Connecticut.   “Add to that the very real problems of distracted driving, aggressive driving, and street designs that put cyclists and pedestrians at risk. This is why we need complete streets, much better enforcement of speeding, distracted driving, and share the road laws, and the vulnerable user law that Connecticut just enacted."

Earlier this month, the state Department of Transportation (DOT)  issued a Complete Streets policy statement, which was praised by Bike Walk Connecticut.  The policy expressly promotes safe access for all users by providing a comprehensive, integrated, connected multi-modal network of transportation options.  DOT's policy is intended to improve safety and mobility and enhance Connecticut’s economic competitiveness by enabling communities to become livable, walkable, bikeable, drivable, efficient, safe and desirable.

report bThe new GHSA report indicated that in many states and urban areas, engineering measures are being adopted to accommodate bicycles on the road, “with the dual aim of protecting cyclists from collisions with motor vehicles, while encouraging cycling for its health and environmental benefits.”

In announcing the new Connecticut policy, DOT Commissioner James Redeker noted that Route 44 in East Hartford will undergo a “road diet” in 2015 to provide bike lanes, enhance vehicular safety and efficiency and improve pedestrian and transit accommodation throughout the corridor. The Department is also outfitting 50 train cars with bike racks on the New Haven Line operating between New Haven to New York City.

In its fifth year before the Connecticut legislature, the Vulnerable User bill passed earlier this year, and took effect on this month (on Oct. 1).  The new law requires a fine to be imposed on reckless motor vehicle drivers who cause the death or serious injury of a pedestrian, cyclist, wheelchair user, or other “vulnerable users” who were using reasonable care.

The GHSA report’s author, former Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Chief Scientist Dr. Allan Williams, analyzed current and historical fatality data to develop the bicyclist crash patterns.



13 CT High Schools in Nation’s Top 500, Up from 8 Last Year; Four CT Schools "Beat the Odds"

Thirteen Connecticut high schools rank among the nation’s top 500 according to a report compiled by Newsweek Magazine – an increase from eight schools a year ago. Connecticut did not have a school ranked in the top 100.  The highest ranked Connecticut school on the list is Amity High School in Woodbridge, which placed at #112, up from #667 last year.  Connecticut’s top-ranked high school in last year’s analysis, the Connecticut IB Academy in East Hartford, also ranked #112 that year.  This year the IB Academy was at #140, the second highest ranked school in Connecticut.bestschools-share

New to the top 500 from Connecticut this year were Litchfield High School, Greenwich High School, Daniel Hand High School in Madison, South Windsor High School, Fairfield Warde High School, East Lyme High School, Wolcott High School, East Lyme High School, Wolcott High School, Lyme-Old Lyme High School, Haddam-Killingworth High School, Pomperaug High School in Southbury and Cheshire High School. 

Every year Newsweek announces the nation’s best high schools that do an outstanding job of preparing students for college.  The magazine teamed up with a research group to compile the list.  They said their methodology was more stringent than ever with new measures of quality and a high standard of data, utilized a College Readiness Score that was based on the following six indicators:

  • Enrollment Rate—25 percenthigh school
  • Graduation Rate—20 percent
  • Weighted AP/IB composite—17.5 percent
  • Weighted SAT/ACT composite—17.5 percent
  • Holding Power (change in student enrollment between ninth and 12th grades; this measure is intended to control for student attrition)—10 percent
  • Counselor-to-Student Ratio —10 percent

The number one spot in the nation went to Thomas Jefferson High School in Alexandria, VA.  Connecticut’s 13 high schools ranked in Newsweek’s Top 500 include:

  • Amity High School in Woodbridge (#112)
  • Connecticut IB Academy in East Hartford (#140)
  • Litchfield High School (#164)
  • Greenwich High School (#168)
  • Daniel Hand High School in Madison (#179)
  • South Windsor High School (#226)
  • Fairfield Warde High School (#227)
  • East Lyme High School (#228)
  • Wolcott High School (#337)
  • Lyme-Old Lyme High School (#352)
  • Haddam-Killingworth High School  (#336)
  • Pomperaug High School in Southbury (#386)
  • Cheshire High School (#401)

A year ago, there were eight Connecticut high schools in the top 500.  The top-ranked school in the state was the Connecticut IB Academy in East Hartford, at #112.  Also ranking in the top 500 in 2013 were Weston High School at #190, Staples High School in Westport at #196, New Canaan High School at #227, Ridgefield High School at #270, Farmington High School at #405, and Valley Regional High School in Deep River at #441.  All but the Connecticut IB Academy fell out of the top 500 this year.

Among this year’s top 500, Greenwich High School was #573 a year ago, Daniel Hand High School in Madison ranked #589, Amity Regional High School in Woodbridge was #667, and East Lyme High School was #723.

"Beat the Odds" Schools

In a separate ranking of the nation’s top schools for low-income students, which Newsweek describes as "Beat the Odds Schools," the highest-ranked Connecticut high school was the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts, which ranked #266.  It is one of four Connecticut high schools to reach the nation's top 500, according to the Newsweek analysis.  The Connecticut IB Academy was the second-ranked Connecticut high school on this list as well, coming in at #275.  Bunnell High School in Stratford was #290, and Common Ground High School in New Haven was #316.

With the list, Newsweek sought to “recognize schools that beat the odds, performing better than statistically expected for their level of poverty.” Schools were ranked on how well they prepare their students for college, taking students’ socio-economic background into account.

View From Abroad: Connecticut, Land of Opportunity

Connecticut, seen from afar, is the land of opportunity.  At least that would appear to be the view of people from all over the world who moved into the Constitution State from outside the U.S. - an increase of 23,862 residents - during a recent five-year period. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey indicates that between 2008 and 2012, each of Connecticut’s eight counties saw an influx of people moving here from abroad.

The new Connecticut residents from beyond the nation’s borders landed mostly in Fairfield, Hartford and New Haven counties, but each county in the state saw new arrivals from abroad  during the five-year survey period.

Here is the county-by-county breakdown:translations-globe-300x300

Fairfield County                +8,569

Hartford County               +5,848

New Haven county         +5,510

New London County      +1,356

Tolland County                  +959

Middlesex County           +804

Litchfield County              +412

Windham County             +404

According to the Migration Policy Institute, 13.8 percent of Connecticut's overall population in 2012 was foreign born, up from 10.9 percent in 2000.  Of the 2012 immigrant population, 8.9 percent came to the United States after 2010, 31.6  percent between 2000 and 2009, and 22 percent between 1990 and 1999.

The American Community Survey (ACS) is a mandatory, ongoing statistical survey by the U.S. Census that samples a small percentage of the population every year -- giving communities the information they need to plan investments and services. The Migration Policy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide.



Number of CT Students Taking ACT Exam Jumps 15 Percent in 4 Years

The number of Connecticut high school students taking the ACT college readiness assessment exam as a means of demonstrating their academic ability to prospective colleges jumped 15 percent from 2010 to 2014, reflecting the increasing popularity of the test, the major national competitor to the Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT.  The average composite score of Connecticut students taking the exam ranked #2 in the nation, behind Massachusetts and just ahead of New Hampshire, Maine and New York. In 2010, there were 10,453 students who took the ACT exam in Connecticut.  By the graduating class of 2014, that number had increased to 12,044, reflecting a steady increase.  In 2011, 10,809 students took the ACT, followed in 2012 by 11, 192 students and 11.551 a year later. act_logo

The average score of state students has also climbed, from an average of 22.9 in 2010 to 23.6 in 2014.  The national average has remained steady, at 21.0.  The scores of Connecticut students rose in all four components:  from 23.8 to 24.2 in English, 23.5 to 24.1 in Math, 23.9 to 24.5 in Reading and 22.9 to 23.6 in Science.  All four exceed the national average among the class of 2014 taking the ACT.

Through the years, the ACT exam has traditionally been the college entrance exam of choice mainly by students in the western and mid-west states, while the SAT dominated in the east.  In recent years, that has begun to change, as colleges look to determine which exam, among other factors, are the most reliable predictors of academic performance in college.ACT exam

The percentage of graduates taking the SAT in Connecticut in 2014 was 29 percent.  In Massachusetts it was 23 percent, in New Hampshire 20 percent and in New York 27 percent.  In Maine, only 9 percent took the exam.  By contrast, 76 percent of the Class of 2014 in Minnesota took the exam, 73 percent in Wisconsin, and 86 percent in Nebraska.  A dozen states require students to take the exam.

The ACT and SAT have different areas of emphasis and approach.  ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school. The SAT is more of an aptitude test, testing reasoning and verbal abilities. According to the Princeton Review, among the differences between the tests include that ACT questions tend to be more straightforward, math concepts tested are more advanced, and it includes a science section.  The SAT has a stronger emphasis on vocabulary.

More than 1.84 million 2014 graduates—a record 57 percent of the national graduating class—took the ACT. This is a 3 percent increase from 2013 (despite a smaller total number of U.S. graduates nationally) and an 18 percent increase compared to 2010.

Connecticut students in the Class of 2014 taking the ACT exam exceeded the national average in the percentage of students ready for college-level coursework, according to the ACT criteria.  A benchmark score is the minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college course.

For Connecticut students taking the ACT, 86 percent surpassed the benchmark in English Composition, compared with 64 percent nationally.  In Math, 69 percent of Connecticut students and 43 percent of students nationally met the benchmark.  In Reading the breakdown was 65-44, in science, 59-37.

The ACT standards are designed to assess the types of skills needed for academic success. They serve as a direct link between what students have learned and what they are ready to do next, according to ACT.

Alternate College Ranking System Reveals Surprises for CT Colleges

It turns out that the oft-heralded and increasingly criticized U.S. News & World Report college rankings aren’t the only game in town.  Washington Monthly magazine has developed a rating system with a different emphasis, and very different results.  Among the Connecticut institutions making the list:  UConn, Yale, Wesleyan, and Trinity – but not necessarily in familiar places. The publication uses three main categories of evaluation for its analysis.  Social Mobility (recruiting and graduating low-income students), Research (producing cutting-edge scholarship and PhDs), and Service (encouraging students to give something back to their country). The publ1409.cover.220x286ication sets out to “identify the most public-minded institutions,” utilizing the three criteria and a handful of specific measures in each.

“Instead of crediting colleges that reject the most applicants, we recognize those that do the best job of enrolling and graduating low-income students,” the magazine pointed out.  The rankings also “measure both pure research spending and success in preparing undergraduates to earn PhDs.”  In addition, by “giving equal weight to public service, we identify colleges that build a sense of obligation to their communities and the nation at large,” the publication explained in the cover feature of the September/October issue.

Connecticut did not have an institution reaching the Top 30 National Universities.  That list was led by four University of California institutions in the top five slots, along with Texas A&M and Stanford University.  Harvard University placed tenth.

Yale University ranked #57 on the full list of National Universities. UConn ranked #82 - the only other school in the state listed among 277 institutions.  (Yale is ranked #3 in the U.S. News rankings; UConn places 19th)

The magazine also compiled a series of specialty lists ranking the institutions.

The only Connecticut school to reach the nation’s Top 30 Liberal Arts Colleges was Wesleyan University, which ranked #16.  (Wesleyan is ranked #15 on the U.S. News listing.) Further down the list, Trinity College ranked #184.

Among the “best-bang-for-the-buck” colleges, the University of Connecticut ranked #76, the only Connecticut college to break into the top 100.  That list was topped by three City University of New York colleges.colleges

Four Connecticut schools were among the Top 50 “Affordable Elite” institutions, according to the list compiled by the magazine.  Yale University ranked #33, Wesleyan University placed #40, UConn ranked #97 and Trinity College in Hartford just made the list at #98.

In the good news department, there were no Connecticut school reaching the “worst colleges” lists complied by the magazine.

The Social Mobility category includes four components including the percentage of students receiving Pell Grants, the cost of attendance, and the anticipated rate of graduation.   The five Research factors include research expenditures and the number of bachelors degree recipients who go on to earn PhDs  The Service category includes five factors including the number of alumni who serve in the Peace Corps, student participation in community service and the number of staff supporting community service.

Signaling the importance of the Washington Monthly rankings to colleges across the nation, a total of 47 institutions ran advertisements in the issue.  The advertisers did not include any colleges from Connecticut.


CT’s Unemployment Rate Drop During Past Year Ranks #17 in U.S.

Between August 2013 and August 2014, Connecticut’s unemployment rate dropped 1.2 percent, ranking the state #17 in the U.S. in the percentage reduction in unemployment during the year-long period.  The data, compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), indicated that Connecticut’s unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted, dropped from 7.8 percent to 6.6 percent. Connecticut’s top 20 finish among the states outpaced the New England states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, but was slightly behind Rhode Island and Massachusetts, as well as New York and New Jersey.

The largest reductions in unemployment during the 12-month period came in Illinois (2.5 percent decrease), Nevada (2.2 percent), Rhode Island (1.9 percent), Ohio (18 percent) Colorado and Indiana (1.7 perce298px-Bureau_of_labor_statistics_logo.svgnt), Michigan and Pennsylvania (1.6 percent).  Also faring slightly better than Connecticut in reducing their state unemployment rate over the year were California, Idaho, New Hersey, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Washington, Kentucky and New York.  North Carolina was tied with Connecticut.

In 45 states and the District of Columbia, the unemployment rate dropped between August 2013 and August 2014.  In three states, the unemployment rate climbed during the year – Alabama, West Virginia and Alaska - and in two states, the rate remained unchanged – Virginia and Wyoming.

Connecticut was also one of 27 states deemed to have "statistically significant" changes in their unemployment rate, according to the federal agency.  The BLS data was updated as of September 19, 2014 for the 12-month period, and subsequently made available on the agency's website.

Among Connecticut's neighboring states in the region, according to the data, the unemployment rate as of August 2014 is higher in Rhode Island (7.7 percent), the same as Connecticut in New Jersey (6.6 percent), and lower in New York (6.4 percent),  Massachusetts (5.8 percent), Maine (5.6 percent), New Hampshire (4.4 percent) and Vermont (4.1 percent).

The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor is the principal Federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy. Its mission is to collect, analyze, and disseminate essential economic information to support public and private decision-making. As an independent statistical agency, BLS serves its diverse user communities by providing products and services that are objective, timely, accurate, and relevant, the agency's website explains.

map unemployment rate change

In-Person Explanations of New Health Insurance Program Outperform Web, Phone

In an era increasingly dominated by technology, a new study has underscored the importance of person-to-person assistance in a critical realm:  health insurance for chronically underserved populations. Consumers found it easier to get and use information from in-person assistance, and rated information from in-person assistance significantly better compared to information from a telephone helpline or the website of Access Health CT, Connecticut’s health insurance marketplace. In-person assisters played a crucial role in enrolling hard-to-reach, underserved populations, according to a study conducted by the Community Alliance for Research and Engagement at the Yale School of Public Health for the Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut.capture1

The evaluation examined the enrollment experiences of people from underserved urban areas of Connecticut, and sought to evaluate the outreach and enrollment process from the perspective of consumers and the in-person assisters and navigators who worked with them.  In-person assistance provided a critical service for consumers who were unable to navigate the helpline and website, the study found.

As trusted resources in the communities where they worked, assisters were clearly valued by their customers.  The study shows high rates of satisfaction overall with the enrollment process and emphasizes that in-person assistance was preferred by customers when they were asked to compare it to their interactions with the website or helpline.

Consumers mostly heard about AHCT through ‘word of mouth’ and ‘family and friends’.  Other sources of initial awareness, cited less frequently, were news programs, tv commercials, newspaper ads, library, internet and radio commercials. heard about

Satisfaction with the application and enrollment processes was high among survey participants. Ninety-five percent of respondents reported that the application and enrollment process was "definitely" or "somewhat" easy.  Twenty-nine percent reported some dissatisfaction with the amount of time required to enroll in a health plan.

The study found thta 90 percent would "definitely" recommend Access Health CT (AHCT), and an additional 9 percent would "probably" recommend AHCT.

During the open enrollment period of Octogetinfober 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014, the federal government was the major funder of in-person assistance, providing over $2.5 million in funding to the program.  The reported noted that “This level of funding is no longer available, yet, the need for assistance, both for the upcoming open enrollment period (November 15, 2014, to February 15, 2015) and beyond, is great.”  Plans for continuing in-person assistance, offered at store-front facilities, are under consideration according to published reports, with specifics uncertain.

Consumers most often wanted to learn about the cost of plans and the availability of financial assistance for insurance premiums. Of consumers who did not enroll, the most common reason was the need for more information, according to the study.

The report also noted that "because Connecticut is a national leader in the implementation of the US health insurance marketplace, the Connecticut experience may inform policy in other states and at the federal level."

Fan Likes? Patriots Nation, Giants Country, Jets Nowhere

Although undefeated thus far this season, the New York Jets, it turns out, are nowhere.  At least nowhere on a nationwide, country-by-county map released by Facebook of the National Football League “likes” of Facebook users.tristate The breakdown showed Patriots dominance throughout New England and most of Connecticut – with the exception of Fairfield and New Haven counties, which remain Giants country.

The Jets were the only NFL team not to “win” a single county.

Months ago, The New York Times published a similar breakdown of major league baseball fans, which was especially interesting in breaking down the Red Sox-Yankees rivalry, but also highlighted the interest in the Yankees all across the country.

Unlike the MLB baseball map, there’s no clear “national” team, the Atlantic reported in analyzing the data.  Love for the the Bronx Bombers bubbled up in the absence of a prominent popular local franchise, appearing not only in greater New York City but also in far-reaching locations including North Carolina, Nebraska, Nevada and New Mexico. NoNewYorkJets

nation countryThat’s just not reflected in the NFL map. The Cowboys come closest, but they’re not “America’s team” as unambiguously, despite the longstanding public relations effort. Beyond Texas and its neighbors, the only isolated pockets of Cowboys fandom are in southern Nevada and southeastern Virginia. That’s it.

After the Cowboys, the Broncos control a huge region in the upper mid-west. Rivaling the Broncos are the 49ers, which rule almost all of California; and the Patriots, Seahawks and Saints, who all dominate their regions – at least on Facebook, if not in the NFL standings.

Connecticut, as it is in baseball, is divided in allegiances between New York and Boston professional teams.  But as is true throughout the tri-state region, the Jets don’t quite exceed Giants or Patriots fans – according to Facebook – anywhere.


NFL fan map

As CT Workforce Ages, Employers Look to Attract Young Workers, Seek State Policy Support

The good news:  three times as many Connecticut businesses say they are growing rather than contracting, innovation and investment in technology is strong and three-quarters of manufacturers surveyed say they are exporting. Those are among the lead findings in a survey of Connecticut businesses conducted by BlumShapiro and the Connecticut Business and Industry Association. While the 2014 Survey of Connecticut Businesses shows optimism that Connecticut’s business landscape continues to improve, there remain concerns about the economy and the ability to create jobs in Connecticut, as well as signs that the state’s workforce continues to get older. In fact, one in four respondents are facing a wave of retirements over the next decade, with at least 40% of their workforce aged 55 or older.CTbusiness survey

“Connecticut’s workforce is aging, with 53% of our respondents reporting that 20% or more of their workforce is 55 or above. There is much to be optimistic about in this survey, but the aging workforce is certainly a challenge we continue to face,” pointed out Joseph Kask, Office Managing Partner of BlumShapiro’s West Hartford office.

While 38% of companies offer flexible work hours, only 8% offer telecommuting. One in four respondents also has specific practices or policies designed to attract and retain younger workers, including internships, tuition reimbursement, high entry-level wages, apprenticeships, and school/college recruitment programs.  Many companies employ apprentices (34%), interns (57%), and temps (58%), and eight in ten companies (79%) plan to hire these workers for permanent positions.

The survey shows slightly greater anticipated demand for mid-level employees than entry level or line workers. Among businesses of all types, workforce demand through 2015 is concentrated on mid-level employees (33% of companies say this is their area of greatest demand) followed by entry-level employees (29%), line workers (28%), managers (8%), and executive leadership (2%).Other highlights of this year’s survey include:

  • 35% of businesses surveyed indicate they are growing; 11% indicate they are contracting.
  • 46% of businesses surveyed introduced new products or services in the past 12 months; 47% of them plan on introducing new products or services in the next 12 months.
  • Three-quarters of manufacturers surveyed are exporting.
  • 52% of businesses surveyed say the most important step policymakers can take to enhance business in Connecticut is lowering taxes; 24% say it is reducing regulations, and 11% say it is cutting government regulations.
  • 27% of businesses surveyed say technology is the greatest single investment, 23% say it is employee training, and 23% say it is property and facilities.

concern When asked how Connecticut should address the shortage of skilled workers, 32% of businesses surveyed say the state should reduce the cost of living, 28% say the state should support trade schools, 20% say the state should support education overall, and 20% say there should be incentive for training steady;

The industries included in the survey include manufacturing, professional services, construction, retail, hospitality/tourism, wholesale, insurance, finance, real estate and software/technology.  Nearly one-third of the respondents were in the manufacturing sector.

CBIA is Connecticut’s leading business organization, with 10,000 member companies.  BlumShapiro is the largest regional accounting, tax and business consulting firm based in New England, with Connecticut offices in West Hartford and Shelton.

Connecticut Volunteers Pursue National Service; AmeriCorps to Celebrate 20th Anniversary

More than 3,700 people of all ages and backgrounds are helping to meet local needs, strengthen communities, and increase civic engagement through national service in Connecticut, according to data compiled by the Corporation for National & Community Service. Serving at more than 600 locations throughout the state, these citizens tutor and mentor children, support veterans and military families, provide health services, restore the environment, respond to disasters, increase economic opportunity, and recruit and manage volunteers.

During this past fiscal year, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) committed more than $9,390,000 to support Connecticut communities through national service initiatives. Through a unique public-private partnership, this federal investment leveraged an additional $2,720,000 in other resources to strengthen community impact, build local support, and increase return on taxpayer dollars.AC_20

Most AmeriCorps grant funding goes to the Connecticut Commission on Community Service within the state Office of Higher Education, which in turn awards grants to nonprofit groups to respond to local needs. AmeriCorps expected to provide more than 900 individuals the opportunity to provide intensive, results-driven service to meet education, environmental, health, economic, and other pressing needs in communities across Connecticut.

Nationally, AmeriCorps celebrates its 20th anniversary this month.  President Obama is scheduled to participate in a ceremony with AmeriCorps members at the White House on September 12 as part of a nationwide event marking the 20th anniversary of the AmeriCorps national service program.

The Connecticut Commission on Community Service administers programs under the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993. The Commission is dedicated to supporting service and civic engagement to strengthen communities throughout Connecticut. In partnership with the Office of Higher Education, the Commission funds and supports programs that encourage all Connecticut residents to volunteer.  The Commission’s next meeting is scheduled for October 7.

Other individuals – in Connecticut and nationwide - serve their fellow citizens through AmeriCorps VISTA, whose members help bring individuals and communities out of poverty by serving full-time to fight illiteracy, improve health services, create businesses, and increase housing opportunities, and AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps), a 10-month, full time residential program for men and women between the ages of 18 and 24. In exchange for their service, AmeriCorps members earn an education award that can be used to pay for college or to pay back qualified student loans.

In addition to the AmeriCorps participants, more than 2,800 seniors in Connecticut contribute their time and talents in one of three Senior Corps programs.logo community service

  • Foster Grandparents serve one-on-one as tutors and mentors to more than 1,000 young people who have special needs.
  • Senior Companions help more than 270 homebound seniors and other adults maintain independence in their own homes.
  • RSVP volunteers conduct safety patrols, renovate homes, protect the environment, tutor and mentor youth, respond to natural disasters, and provide other services through more than 230 groups across Connecticut.

The Corporation for National and Community Service is a federal agency that improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Members of the Connecticut Commission on Community Service are appointed by the Governor and serve three-year terms. Commission members represent various areas of expertise as required by the National and Community Service Trust Act.


AmeriCorps video